Module spatial.logic
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import os
import pickle
import warnings
from typing import Dict
import numpy as np
from lark import Lark, Transformer, Tree, v_args
from lark.tree import pydot__tree_to_graph
from lark.visitors import Interpreter
from spatial.geometry import SpatialInterface, ObjectInTime
@v_args(inline=True) # Affects the signatures of the methods
class SpatRelInterpreter(Transformer):
Interpreter for spatial relations. Delegates parsed tree to corresponding operations.
# from operator import neg, and_ as b_and, or_ as b_or
# from operator import and_, or_, not_
number = float
def __init__(self):
Initializes the interpreter
self.vars: Dict[str, ObjectInTime] = {}
self.number_vars: Dict[str, float] = {}
self._global_time = 0
def set_global_time(self, time: int):
assert time >= 0, "<Interpreter>: global time must be non-negative! Got: {}".format(time)
self._global_time = time
def spatial(a):
Maps quantitative semantics to bool domain
a: The float value
Returns: True if val>=0 and False otherwise
return a
def and_(a, b) -> float:
Computes the quantitative semantics of AND operator
a: predicate left of operator
b: predicate right of operator
Returns: min(a,b)
return np.min([a, b])
def or_(a, b) -> float:
Computes the quantitative semantics of OR operator
a: predicate left of operator
b: predicate right of operator
Returns: max(a,b)
return np.max([a, b])
def xor_(a, b) -> float:
Computes the quantitative semantics of XOR operator
a: predicate left of operator
b: predicate right of operator
Returns: max(a,b)
# a XOR b = (a & !b) | (!a & b)
a_notb = np.min([a, -b])
nota_b = np.min([-a, b])
return np.max([a_notb, nota_b])
def implies_(a, b) -> float:
Computes the quantitative semantics of IMPLIES operator
a: predicate left of operator
b: predicate right of operator
Returns: max(a,b)
# a -> b = !a | b
return np.max([-a, b])
def not_(a) -> float:
Computes the quantitative semantics of not operator
a: predicate to negate
Returns: -a
return -a
def vars(self) -> dict:
Dictionary of stored (name, variable) pairs
Returns: dictionary
return self._vars
def vars(self, vars: dict):
Sets the dictionary of stored (name, variable) pairs
vars: Dictionary
if len(vars) > 1:
elements = list(vars.values())
assert all([isinstance(k, type(elements[0])) for k in
elements]), '<SpatialInterpreter>: only one type of obstacle currently supported!'
self._vars = vars
def number_vars(self) -> dict:
Returns the dictionary of stored (name, numerical variable) pairs
Returns: dictionary
return self._number_vars
def number_vars(self, number_vars: dict):
Sets the dictionary of stored (name, numerical variable) pairs
number_vars: dictionary
assert len(number_vars) == 0 or all([isinstance(k, (float, int)) for k in
[number_vars.values()]]), '<SpatialInterpreter>: only numbers supported!'
self._number_vars = number_vars
def assign_var(self, name: str, value: ObjectInTime):
Assigns a new variable to the interpreter
name: Name of the variable
value: Value of the variables (spatial interface object or int/float)
assert isinstance(name, str), '<Logic>: name must be of type string! Got {}'.format(name)
if isinstance(value, (int, float)):
self.number_vars[name.lower()] = value
assert isinstance(value, ObjectInTime), '<Logic>: value must be of type ' \
'ObjectInTime! Got {}'.format(
self.vars[name.lower()] = value
return value
def var(self, name: str) -> SpatialInterface:
Returns the variable corresponding to the provided name
name: Name of the variable
Returns: spatial interface object of name
# query latest time step
return self.var_at(name, 0)
def var_at(self, name: str, rel_time: int) -> SpatialInterface:
Returns the variable corresponding to the provided name and time step
name: Name of the variable
rel_time: relative time identifier
Returns: spatial interface object of name
assert rel_time >= 0., ''
obj: ObjectInTime = self.vars[name.lower()]
except KeyError:
raise Exception("Variable not found: %s" % name)
return obj.getObject(self._global_time - rel_time)
except Exception:
raise Exception("Time step index t={} not found".format(self._global_time - rel_time))
def enlarge(o: SpatialInterface, radius: float):
return o.enlarge(radius)
def numeric_var(self, name):
Returns the numeric variable of a specified name
name: The specified name
Returns: int/float object corresponding to specified name
return self.number_vars[name.lower()]
except KeyError:
raise Exception("Variable not found: %s" % name)
def left_of(left: SpatialInterface, right: SpatialInterface):
return left.left_of(right)
def right_of(left: SpatialInterface, right: SpatialInterface):
return left.right_of(right)
def below_of(left: SpatialInterface, right: SpatialInterface):
return left.below(right)
def above_of(left: SpatialInterface, right: SpatialInterface):
return left.above(right)
def overlap(left: SpatialInterface, right: SpatialInterface):
return left.overlap(right)
def touching(left: SpatialInterface, right: SpatialInterface):
return left.touching(right)
def far_from(left: SpatialInterface, right: SpatialInterface):
return left.far_from(right)
def close_to(left: SpatialInterface, right: SpatialInterface):
return left.close_to(right)
def enclosed_in(left: SpatialInterface, right: SpatialInterface):
return left.enclosed_in(right)
def comparison(left: SpatialInterface, right: SpatialInterface):
return [left, right]
def moved(left: SpatialInterface, right: SpatialInterface):
val = left.enclosed_in(right.enlarge(25))
return val if np.isclose(val, 0) else -val
def operator(value):
Maps operators (<=,>=,=) to numpy functions
value: The operator to map
Returns: Numpy functions object
# "<=" | ">=" | "=="
if value == "<=":
return np.less_equal
if value == ">=":
return np.greater_equal
if value == "==":
return np.equal
def closer_to(left: SpatialInterface, right: list):
return left.closer_to_than(right[0], right[1])
def distance(left: SpatialInterface, right: SpatialInterface, fun, eps):
return left.distance_compare(right, eps, fun)
# custom function wrapper for the SpatialInterpreter.visit() function
def _vargs_tree_time(f, data, children, meta, lower, upper):
return f(Tree(data, children, meta), lower, upper)
class SpatialInterpreter(Interpreter):
Interpreter object for the temporal parts of Spatial. Delegates parsed tree to corresponding operations.
def __init__(self, spatial, quantitative: bool = False):
self._quantitative = quantitative
self._spatial_interpreter = spatial
self._spatial_dict = {}
self.vars = {}
def quantitative(self) -> bool:
Bool whether this interpreter returns boolean or quantitative values
Returns: True if quantitative
return self._quantitative
def quantitative(self, quantitative: bool):
Bool whether this interpreter returns boolean or quantitative values
quantitative: Set a new bool
self._quantitative = quantitative
def vars(self) -> dict:
Dictionary of stored (name, variable) pairs
Returns: dictionary
return self._vars
def vars(self, vars: dict):
Sets the dictionary of stored (name, variable) pairs
vars: Dictionary
if len(vars) > 1:
elements = list(vars.values())
assert all([isinstance(k, ObjectInTime) for k in
elements]), '<SpatialInterpreter>: only ObjectInTime currently supported!'
self._vars = vars
def assign_var(self, name: str, value: ObjectInTime):
Assigns a new variable to the interpreter
name: Name of the variable
value: Value of the variables (ObjectInTime interface object or int/float)
if isinstance(value, (int, float)):
self._spatial_interpreter.assign_var(name, value)
assert isinstance(value,
ObjectInTime), '<SpatialInterpreter>: value must be of type ' \
'ObjectInTime or int/float! Got {}'.format(
assert isinstance(name, str), '<SpatialInterpreter>: name must be of type string! Got {}'.format(name)
self.vars[name.lower()] = value
return value
def var(self, name: str) -> ObjectInTime:
Returns the variable corresponding to the provided name
name: Name of the variable
Returns: spatial interface object of name
return self.vars[name.lower()]
except KeyError:
raise Exception("Variable not found: %s" % name)
# translates the relative bounds of bounded temporal operators into the absolute time
def relative_to_absolute_bounds(rel_lower, rel_upper, lower, upper):
assert rel_lower >= 0 and rel_upper >= 0, \
'<SpatialInterpreter>: negative bounds in bounded temporal operators not allowed!'
assert rel_lower <= rel_upper, \
'<SpatialInterpreter>: relative lower bound is higher than relative upper bound'
abs_lower = lower + rel_lower
abs_upper = min(upper, lower + rel_upper)
return abs_lower, abs_upper
# hacky override of original function. provides necessary extra parameters for custom function wrapper
def visit(self, tree, lower, upper):
f = getattr(self,
wrapper = getattr(f, 'visit_wrapper', None)
if wrapper is not None:
return f.visit_wrapper(f,, tree.children, tree.meta, lower, upper)
return f(tree)
def temporal(self, tree, lower, upper):
# temporal has only one child
return self.visit(tree.children[0], lower, upper)
def and_(self, tree, lower, upper):
# and_ has two children
left = self.visit(tree.children[0], lower, upper)
right = self.visit(tree.children[1], lower, upper)
return np.nanmin([left, right])
def or_(self, tree, lower, upper):
# or_ has two children
left = self.visit(tree.children[0], lower, upper)
right = self.visit(tree.children[1], lower, upper)
return np.nanmax([left, right])
def xor_(self, tree, lower, upper):
# xor_ has two children
left = self.visit(tree.children[0], lower, upper)
right = self.visit(tree.children[1], lower, upper)
# a XOR b = (a & !b) | (!a & b)
a_notb = np.nanmin([left, -right])
nota_b = np.nanmin([-left, right])
return np.nanmax([a_notb, nota_b])
def implies_(self, tree, lower, upper):
# implies_ has two children
left = self.visit(tree.children[0], lower, upper)
right = self.visit(tree.children[1], lower, upper)
return np.nanmax([-left, right]) # works because a -> b == !a v b
def not_(self, tree, lower, upper):
# not_ has a single child
return -self.visit(tree.children[0], lower, upper)
def eventually(self, tree, lower, upper):
results = []
for i in range(lower, upper + 1):
results.append(self.visit(tree.children[0], i, upper))
# speedup in case the interpreter is run in boolean mode
if not self.quantitative and results[-1] >= 0:
return 1.
return np.nanmax(results)
def eventually_bounded(self, tree, lower, upper):
bound = tree.children[0]
rel_bound_l = int(bound.children[0].children[0])
rel_bound_u = int(bound.children[1].children[0])
abs_bound_l, abs_bound_u = self.relative_to_absolute_bounds(rel_bound_l, rel_bound_u, lower, upper)
# this happens when the relative lower bound references a point in time later than upper
if abs_bound_l > abs_bound_u:
return np.nan
# create a 'fake' eventually tree and interpret it over new bounds
eventually_tree = Tree('eventually', [tree.children[1]])
return self.eventually(eventually_tree, abs_bound_l, abs_bound_u)
def always(self, tree, lower, upper):
# always has only one child
results = []
for i in range(lower, upper + 1):
results.append(self.visit(tree.children[0], i, upper))
# speedup in case the interpreter is run in boolean mode
if not self.quantitative and results[-1] < 0:
return -1.
return np.nanmin(results)
def always_bounded(self, tree, lower, upper):
bound = tree.children[0]
rel_bound_l = int(bound.children[0].children[0])
rel_bound_u = int(bound.children[1].children[0])
abs_bound_l, abs_bound_u = self.relative_to_absolute_bounds(rel_bound_l, rel_bound_u, lower, upper)
# this happens when the relative lower bound references a point in time later than upper
if abs_bound_l > abs_bound_u:
return np.nan
# create a 'fake' always tree and interpret it over new bounds
always_tree = Tree('always', [tree.children[1]])
return self.always(always_tree, abs_bound_l, abs_bound_u)
def next(self, tree, lower, upper):
if lower + 1 > upper:
return np.nan
# next always has only one child
return self.visit(tree.children[0], lower + 1, upper)
until_storage = dict()
def until(self, tree, lower, upper):
# final result
result = -np.inf
# store results of current tree evaluation in lookup table
element = hash((tree.children[0], tree.children[1]))
if element not in self.until_storage:
self.until_storage[element] = {}
# get dictionary of previous calls
# stores calls of self.visit(tree.children[0], j, k). key is (i, k), value is result
v2_dict = self.until_storage[element]
for k in range(lower, upper + 1):
v1 = self.visit(tree.children[1], k, upper)
# this whole section is simply
# v2 = min(self.visit(tree.children[0], j, k) for j in range(lower, k+1))
v2 = np.inf
for j in range(lower, k + 1):
interval = (j, k)
if interval not in v2_dict:
val = self.visit(tree.children[0], j, k)
v2_dict[interval] = val
if val < v2:
v2 = val
val = v2_dict[interval]
if val < v2:
v2 = val
val = np.nanmin([v1, v2])
if val > result:
result = val
return result
def until_bounded(self, tree, lower, upper):
bound = tree.children[1]
rel_bound_l = int(bound.children[0].children[0])
rel_bound_u = int(bound.children[1].children[0])
abs_bound_l, abs_bound_u = self.relative_to_absolute_bounds(rel_bound_l, rel_bound_u, lower, upper)
# this happens when the relative lower bound references a point in time later than upper
if abs_bound_l > abs_bound_u:
return np.nan
# create a 'fake' until tree and interpret it over new bounds
until_tree = Tree('until', [tree.children[0], tree.children[2]])
return self.always(until_tree, abs_bound_l, abs_bound_u)
def spatial(self, tree, lower, upper):
# check if this spatial formula has already been evaluated for this time point
element = hash((tree, lower)) # compute hash once
if element not in self._spatial_dict:
# set global time for evaluation of formula
val = self._spatial_interpreter.transform(tree)
self._spatial_dict[element] = val
return self._spatial_dict[element]
class Spatial(object):
Spatial parser (+ interpreter)
def __init__(self, quantitative: bool = False):
Initializes the Spatial object
quantitative: True if quantitative semantics are desired
grammar = os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/spatial.lark"
self._parser =, parser='lalr')
self._spatial_interpreter = SpatRelInterpreter()
self._tl_interpreter = SpatialInterpreter(self._spatial_interpreter, quantitative=quantitative)
self.quantitative = quantitative
def quantitative(self) -> bool:
return self._quantitative
def quantitative(self, quantitative: bool):
self._quantitative = quantitative
self._tl_interpreter.quantitative = quantitative
def reset_spatial_dict(self):
Resets the spatial interpreter call history
self._tl_interpreter._spatial_dict = {}
def parse(self, formula: str) -> Tree:
Parses a given formula to a tree object
formula: Formula to parse
Returns: Tree object of parsed formula
self.reset_spatial_dict() # every time you parse a new formula, reset the spatial dict
return self._parser.parse(formula)
except Exception as e:
return None
def interpret(self, formula: Tree, lower=0, upper=0):
Interprets a given tree
formula: The tree of the formula
lower: lower time bound for semantics
upper: upper time bound for semantics
Returns: Value of interpreted formula
# check if relative time has been used
rel_time = self.min_time_of_formula(formula)
# return NAN if start time does not allow to evaluate formula
if rel_time > lower:
warnings.warn(f"<Interpreter/interpret>: Cannot evalute formula from time step {lower} "
f"since the formalue is valid from {rel_time}!")
return np.NAN
val = self._tl_interpreter.visit(formula, lower, upper)
if self.quantitative:
return val
return val >= 0
except Exception as e:
return None
def svg_from_tree(formula: Tree, filename, rankdir="LR", **kwargs):
Saves tree object to a svg vector graphics file
formula: The tree of the formula
filename: The filename
rankdir: params for pydot
**kwargs: params for pydot
graph = pydot__tree_to_graph(formula, rankdir, **kwargs)
def png_from_tree(formula: Tree, filename, rankdir="LR", **kwargs):
Saves tree object to a png graphics file
formula: The tree of the formula
filename: The filename
rankdir: params for pydot
**kwargs: params for pydot
graph = pydot__tree_to_graph(formula, rankdir, **kwargs)
def determine_variables(formula: Tree):
Determines all variables within a formula (given as a tree)
formula: The formula to check
Returns: Set of all variable names
iter = formula.find_data('var')
vars = set()
for v in iter:
return vars
def check_variables(self, formula: Tree) -> bool:
Checks if the interpreter stores all variables required to interpret a given formula
formula: The formula to check as a tree
Returns: True if interpreter stores all necessary variables and False otherwise
vars = self.determine_variables(formula)
for v in vars:
if v.lower() not in self._tl_interpreter.vars.keys():
return False
return True
def min_time_of_formula(formula: Tree) -> int:
If the formula contains relative time references (variable plus time reference), then the formula can only
be evaluated when the minimum time has been reached in the interpreter. This function returns the minimum
required time to evaluate the formula.
formula: The formula to check
Returns: The minimum time rquired to evaluate the formula
iter = formula.find_data('var_at') # tag used for variables with time reference
vars = [0]
for v in iter:
time = float(v.children[1].children[0].title())
assert time >= 0
return np.max(vars)
def update_variables(self, vars: dict):
Update the set of variables in the interpreter
vars: The new set of variables
self._tl_interpreter.vars = vars
def assign_variable(self, name, value):
Assigns a variable to the interpreter
name: Name of the variable
value: Value of the variable
# if isinstance(value, ObjectInTime):
# self._tl_interpreter.assign_var(name, value)
# elif isinstance(value, SpatialInterface):
# self._tl_interpreter.assign_var(name, StaticObject(value))
# else:
self._spatial_interpreter.assign_var(name, value)
def parse_and_interpret(self, formula: str):
Parses and interprets a given formula
formula: Formula as string
return self.interpret(self.parse(formula))
def save_to_file(self, file: str):
Saves the state of the interpreter to the files system
file: The filename
pickle.dump(self._spatial_interpreter, open(file, 'wb'))
except Exception as e:
def from_file(self, file: str):
Restores an interpreter from the file system
file: The filename
self._spatial_interpreter = pickle.load(open(file, 'rb'))
except Exception as e:
def write_formulas_to_file(file: str, formulas: list):
Writes a list of formulas to the file system
file: The filename
formulas: The list of formulas to store
pickle.dump(formulas, open(file, 'wb'))
except Exception as e:
def load_formulas_from_file(file: str) -> list:
Loads a list of formulas from the file system
file: The filename
Returns: list of formulas as strings
return pickle.load(open(file, 'rb'))
except Exception as e:
if __name__ == "__main__":
class SpatRelInterpreter
Interpreter for spatial relations. Delegates parsed tree to corresponding operations.
Initializes the interpreter
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class SpatRelInterpreter(Transformer): """ Interpreter for spatial relations. Delegates parsed tree to corresponding operations. """ # from operator import neg, and_ as b_and, or_ as b_or # from operator import and_, or_, not_ number = float def __init__(self): """ Initializes the interpreter """ super().__init__() self.vars: Dict[str, ObjectInTime] = {} self.number_vars: Dict[str, float] = {} self._global_time = 0 def set_global_time(self, time: int): assert time >= 0, "<Interpreter>: global time must be non-negative! Got: {}".format(time) self._global_time = time @staticmethod def spatial(a): """ Maps quantitative semantics to bool domain Args: a: The float value Returns: True if val>=0 and False otherwise """ return a @staticmethod def and_(a, b) -> float: """ Computes the quantitative semantics of AND operator Args: a: predicate left of operator b: predicate right of operator Returns: min(a,b) """ return np.min([a, b]) @staticmethod def or_(a, b) -> float: """ Computes the quantitative semantics of OR operator Args: a: predicate left of operator b: predicate right of operator Returns: max(a,b) """ return np.max([a, b]) @staticmethod def xor_(a, b) -> float: """ Computes the quantitative semantics of XOR operator Args: a: predicate left of operator b: predicate right of operator Returns: max(a,b) """ # a XOR b = (a & !b) | (!a & b) a_notb = np.min([a, -b]) nota_b = np.min([-a, b]) return np.max([a_notb, nota_b]) @staticmethod def implies_(a, b) -> float: """ Computes the quantitative semantics of IMPLIES operator Args: a: predicate left of operator b: predicate right of operator Returns: max(a,b) """ # a -> b = !a | b return np.max([-a, b]) @staticmethod def not_(a) -> float: """ Computes the quantitative semantics of not operator Args: a: predicate to negate Returns: -a """ return -a @property def vars(self) -> dict: """ Dictionary of stored (name, variable) pairs Returns: dictionary """ return self._vars @vars.setter def vars(self, vars: dict): """ Sets the dictionary of stored (name, variable) pairs Args: vars: Dictionary """ if len(vars) > 1: elements = list(vars.values()) assert all([isinstance(k, type(elements[0])) for k in elements]), '<SpatialInterpreter>: only one type of obstacle currently supported!' self._vars = vars @property def number_vars(self) -> dict: """ Returns the dictionary of stored (name, numerical variable) pairs Returns: dictionary """ return self._number_vars @number_vars.setter def number_vars(self, number_vars: dict): """ Sets the dictionary of stored (name, numerical variable) pairs Args: number_vars: dictionary """ assert len(number_vars) == 0 or all([isinstance(k, (float, int)) for k in [number_vars.values()]]), '<SpatialInterpreter>: only numbers supported!' self._number_vars = number_vars def assign_var(self, name: str, value: ObjectInTime): """ Assigns a new variable to the interpreter Args: name: Name of the variable value: Value of the variables (spatial interface object or int/float) """ assert isinstance(name, str), '<Logic>: name must be of type string! Got {}'.format(name) if isinstance(value, (int, float)): self.number_vars[name.lower()] = value else: assert isinstance(value, ObjectInTime), '<Logic>: value must be of type ' \ 'ObjectInTime! Got {}'.format( value) self.vars[name.lower()] = value return value def var(self, name: str) -> SpatialInterface: """ Returns the variable corresponding to the provided name Args: name: Name of the variable Returns: spatial interface object of name """ # query latest time step return self.var_at(name, 0) def var_at(self, name: str, rel_time: int) -> SpatialInterface: """ Returns the variable corresponding to the provided name and time step Args: name: Name of the variable rel_time: relative time identifier Returns: spatial interface object of name """ assert rel_time >= 0., '' try: obj: ObjectInTime = self.vars[name.lower()] except KeyError: raise Exception("Variable not found: %s" % name) try: return obj.getObject(self._global_time - rel_time) except Exception: raise Exception("Time step index t={} not found".format(self._global_time - rel_time)) @staticmethod def enlarge(o: SpatialInterface, radius: float): return o.enlarge(radius) def numeric_var(self, name): """ Returns the numeric variable of a specified name Args: name: The specified name Returns: int/float object corresponding to specified name """ try: return self.number_vars[name.lower()] except KeyError: raise Exception("Variable not found: %s" % name) @staticmethod def left_of(left: SpatialInterface, right: SpatialInterface): return left.left_of(right) @staticmethod def right_of(left: SpatialInterface, right: SpatialInterface): return left.right_of(right) @staticmethod def below_of(left: SpatialInterface, right: SpatialInterface): return left.below(right) @staticmethod def above_of(left: SpatialInterface, right: SpatialInterface): return left.above(right) @staticmethod def overlap(left: SpatialInterface, right: SpatialInterface): return left.overlap(right) @staticmethod def touching(left: SpatialInterface, right: SpatialInterface): return left.touching(right) @staticmethod def far_from(left: SpatialInterface, right: SpatialInterface): return left.far_from(right) @staticmethod def close_to(left: SpatialInterface, right: SpatialInterface): return left.close_to(right) @staticmethod def enclosed_in(left: SpatialInterface, right: SpatialInterface): return left.enclosed_in(right) @staticmethod def comparison(left: SpatialInterface, right: SpatialInterface): return [left, right] @staticmethod def moved(left: SpatialInterface, right: SpatialInterface): val = left.enclosed_in(right.enlarge(25)) return val if np.isclose(val, 0) else -val @staticmethod def operator(value): """ Maps operators (<=,>=,=) to numpy functions Args: value: The operator to map Returns: Numpy functions object """ # "<=" | ">=" | "==" if value == "<=": return np.less_equal if value == ">=": return np.greater_equal if value == "==": return np.equal @staticmethod def closer_to(left: SpatialInterface, right: list): return left.closer_to_than(right[0], right[1]) @staticmethod def distance(left: SpatialInterface, right: SpatialInterface, fun, eps): return left.distance_compare(right, eps, fun)
- lark.visitors.Transformer
- lark.visitors._Decoratable
Class variables
var number
Convert a string or number to a floating point number, if possible.
Instance variables
var number_vars : dict
Returns the dictionary of stored (name, numerical variable) pairs Returns: dictionary
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@property def number_vars(self) -> dict: """ Returns the dictionary of stored (name, numerical variable) pairs Returns: dictionary """ return self._number_vars
var vars : dict
Dictionary of stored (name, variable) pairs Returns: dictionary
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@property def vars(self) -> dict: """ Dictionary of stored (name, variable) pairs Returns: dictionary """ return self._vars
def above_of(left: SpatialInterface, right: SpatialInterface)
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@staticmethod def above_of(left: SpatialInterface, right: SpatialInterface): return left.above(right)
def and_(a, b) ‑> float
Computes the quantitative semantics of AND operator
- predicate left of operator
- predicate right of operator
Returns: min(a,b)
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@staticmethod def and_(a, b) -> float: """ Computes the quantitative semantics of AND operator Args: a: predicate left of operator b: predicate right of operator Returns: min(a,b) """ return np.min([a, b])
def assign_var(self, name: str, value: ObjectInTime)
Assigns a new variable to the interpreter
- Name of the variable
- Value of the variables (spatial interface object or int/float)
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def assign_var(self, name: str, value: ObjectInTime): """ Assigns a new variable to the interpreter Args: name: Name of the variable value: Value of the variables (spatial interface object or int/float) """ assert isinstance(name, str), '<Logic>: name must be of type string! Got {}'.format(name) if isinstance(value, (int, float)): self.number_vars[name.lower()] = value else: assert isinstance(value, ObjectInTime), '<Logic>: value must be of type ' \ 'ObjectInTime! Got {}'.format( value) self.vars[name.lower()] = value return value
def below_of(left: SpatialInterface, right: SpatialInterface)
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@staticmethod def below_of(left: SpatialInterface, right: SpatialInterface): return left.below(right)
def close_to(left: SpatialInterface, right: SpatialInterface)
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@staticmethod def close_to(left: SpatialInterface, right: SpatialInterface): return left.close_to(right)
def closer_to(left: SpatialInterface, right: list)
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@staticmethod def closer_to(left: SpatialInterface, right: list): return left.closer_to_than(right[0], right[1])
def comparison(left: SpatialInterface, right: SpatialInterface)
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@staticmethod def comparison(left: SpatialInterface, right: SpatialInterface): return [left, right]
def distance(left: SpatialInterface, right: SpatialInterface, fun, eps)
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@staticmethod def distance(left: SpatialInterface, right: SpatialInterface, fun, eps): return left.distance_compare(right, eps, fun)
def enclosed_in(left: SpatialInterface, right: SpatialInterface)
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@staticmethod def enclosed_in(left: SpatialInterface, right: SpatialInterface): return left.enclosed_in(right)
def enlarge(o: SpatialInterface, radius: float)
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@staticmethod def enlarge(o: SpatialInterface, radius: float): return o.enlarge(radius)
def far_from(left: SpatialInterface, right: SpatialInterface)
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@staticmethod def far_from(left: SpatialInterface, right: SpatialInterface): return left.far_from(right)
def implies_(a, b) ‑> float
Computes the quantitative semantics of IMPLIES operator
- predicate left of operator
- predicate right of operator
Returns: max(a,b)
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@staticmethod def implies_(a, b) -> float: """ Computes the quantitative semantics of IMPLIES operator Args: a: predicate left of operator b: predicate right of operator Returns: max(a,b) """ # a -> b = !a | b return np.max([-a, b])
def left_of(left: SpatialInterface, right: SpatialInterface)
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@staticmethod def left_of(left: SpatialInterface, right: SpatialInterface): return left.left_of(right)
def moved(left: SpatialInterface, right: SpatialInterface)
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@staticmethod def moved(left: SpatialInterface, right: SpatialInterface): val = left.enclosed_in(right.enlarge(25)) return val if np.isclose(val, 0) else -val
def not_(a) ‑> float
Computes the quantitative semantics of not operator
- predicate to negate
Returns: -a
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@staticmethod def not_(a) -> float: """ Computes the quantitative semantics of not operator Args: a: predicate to negate Returns: -a """ return -a
def numeric_var(self, name)
Returns the numeric variable of a specified name
- The specified name
Returns: int/float object corresponding to specified name
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def numeric_var(self, name): """ Returns the numeric variable of a specified name Args: name: The specified name Returns: int/float object corresponding to specified name """ try: return self.number_vars[name.lower()] except KeyError: raise Exception("Variable not found: %s" % name)
def operator(value)
Maps operators (<=,>=,=) to numpy functions
- The operator to map
Returns: Numpy functions object
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@staticmethod def operator(value): """ Maps operators (<=,>=,=) to numpy functions Args: value: The operator to map Returns: Numpy functions object """ # "<=" | ">=" | "==" if value == "<=": return np.less_equal if value == ">=": return np.greater_equal if value == "==": return np.equal
def or_(a, b) ‑> float
Computes the quantitative semantics of OR operator
- predicate left of operator
- predicate right of operator
Returns: max(a,b)
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@staticmethod def or_(a, b) -> float: """ Computes the quantitative semantics of OR operator Args: a: predicate left of operator b: predicate right of operator Returns: max(a,b) """ return np.max([a, b])
def overlap(left: SpatialInterface, right: SpatialInterface)
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@staticmethod def overlap(left: SpatialInterface, right: SpatialInterface): return left.overlap(right)
def right_of(left: SpatialInterface, right: SpatialInterface)
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@staticmethod def right_of(left: SpatialInterface, right: SpatialInterface): return left.right_of(right)
def set_global_time(self, time: int)
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def set_global_time(self, time: int): assert time >= 0, "<Interpreter>: global time must be non-negative! Got: {}".format(time) self._global_time = time
def spatial(a)
Maps quantitative semantics to bool domain
- The float value
Returns: True if val>=0 and False otherwise
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@staticmethod def spatial(a): """ Maps quantitative semantics to bool domain Args: a: The float value Returns: True if val>=0 and False otherwise """ return a
def touching(left: SpatialInterface, right: SpatialInterface)
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@staticmethod def touching(left: SpatialInterface, right: SpatialInterface): return left.touching(right)
def var(self, name: str) ‑> SpatialInterface
Returns the variable corresponding to the provided name
- Name of the variable
Returns: spatial interface object of name
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def var(self, name: str) -> SpatialInterface: """ Returns the variable corresponding to the provided name Args: name: Name of the variable Returns: spatial interface object of name """ # query latest time step return self.var_at(name, 0)
def var_at(self, name: str, rel_time: int) ‑> SpatialInterface
Returns the variable corresponding to the provided name and time step
- Name of the variable
- relative time identifier
Returns: spatial interface object of name
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def var_at(self, name: str, rel_time: int) -> SpatialInterface: """ Returns the variable corresponding to the provided name and time step Args: name: Name of the variable rel_time: relative time identifier Returns: spatial interface object of name """ assert rel_time >= 0., '' try: obj: ObjectInTime = self.vars[name.lower()] except KeyError: raise Exception("Variable not found: %s" % name) try: return obj.getObject(self._global_time - rel_time) except Exception: raise Exception("Time step index t={} not found".format(self._global_time - rel_time))
def xor_(a, b) ‑> float
Computes the quantitative semantics of XOR operator
- predicate left of operator
- predicate right of operator
Returns: max(a,b)
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@staticmethod def xor_(a, b) -> float: """ Computes the quantitative semantics of XOR operator Args: a: predicate left of operator b: predicate right of operator Returns: max(a,b) """ # a XOR b = (a & !b) | (!a & b) a_notb = np.min([a, -b]) nota_b = np.min([-a, b]) return np.max([a_notb, nota_b])
class Spatial (quantitative: bool = False)
Spatial parser (+ interpreter)
Initializes the Spatial object
- True if quantitative semantics are desired
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class Spatial(object): """ Spatial parser (+ interpreter) """ def __init__(self, quantitative: bool = False): """ Initializes the Spatial object Args: quantitative: True if quantitative semantics are desired """ grammar = os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/spatial.lark" self._parser =, parser='lalr') self._spatial_interpreter = SpatRelInterpreter() self._tl_interpreter = SpatialInterpreter(self._spatial_interpreter, quantitative=quantitative) self.quantitative = quantitative @property def quantitative(self) -> bool: return self._quantitative @quantitative.setter def quantitative(self, quantitative: bool): self._quantitative = quantitative self._tl_interpreter.quantitative = quantitative def reset_spatial_dict(self): """ Resets the spatial interpreter call history """ self._tl_interpreter._spatial_dict = {} def parse(self, formula: str) -> Tree: """ Parses a given formula to a tree object Args: formula: Formula to parse Returns: Tree object of parsed formula """ try: self.reset_spatial_dict() # every time you parse a new formula, reset the spatial dict return self._parser.parse(formula) except Exception as e: print(e) return None def interpret(self, formula: Tree, lower=0, upper=0): """ Interprets a given tree Args: formula: The tree of the formula lower: lower time bound for semantics upper: upper time bound for semantics Returns: Value of interpreted formula """ # check if relative time has been used rel_time = self.min_time_of_formula(formula) # return NAN if start time does not allow to evaluate formula if rel_time > lower: warnings.warn(f"<Interpreter/interpret>: Cannot evalute formula from time step {lower} " f"since the formalue is valid from {rel_time}!") return np.NAN try: val = self._tl_interpreter.visit(formula, lower, upper) if self.quantitative: return val else: return val >= 0 except Exception as e: print(e) return None @staticmethod def svg_from_tree(formula: Tree, filename, rankdir="LR", **kwargs): """ Saves tree object to a svg vector graphics file Args: formula: The tree of the formula filename: The filename rankdir: params for pydot **kwargs: params for pydot """ graph = pydot__tree_to_graph(formula, rankdir, **kwargs) graph.write_svg(filename) @staticmethod def png_from_tree(formula: Tree, filename, rankdir="LR", **kwargs): """ Saves tree object to a png graphics file Args: formula: The tree of the formula filename: The filename rankdir: params for pydot **kwargs: params for pydot """ graph = pydot__tree_to_graph(formula, rankdir, **kwargs) graph.write_png(filename) @staticmethod def determine_variables(formula: Tree): """ Determines all variables within a formula (given as a tree) Args: formula: The formula to check Returns: Set of all variable names """ iter = formula.find_data('var') vars = set() for v in iter: vars.add(v.children[0].title()) return vars def check_variables(self, formula: Tree) -> bool: """ Checks if the interpreter stores all variables required to interpret a given formula Args: formula: The formula to check as a tree Returns: True if interpreter stores all necessary variables and False otherwise """ vars = self.determine_variables(formula) for v in vars: if v.lower() not in self._tl_interpreter.vars.keys(): return False return True @staticmethod def min_time_of_formula(formula: Tree) -> int: """ If the formula contains relative time references (variable plus time reference), then the formula can only be evaluated when the minimum time has been reached in the interpreter. This function returns the minimum required time to evaluate the formula. Args: formula: The formula to check Returns: The minimum time rquired to evaluate the formula """ iter = formula.find_data('var_at') # tag used for variables with time reference vars = [0] for v in iter: time = float(v.children[1].children[0].title()) assert time >= 0 vars.append(time) return np.max(vars) def update_variables(self, vars: dict): """ Update the set of variables in the interpreter Args: vars: The new set of variables """ self._tl_interpreter.vars = vars def assign_variable(self, name, value): """ Assigns a variable to the interpreter Args: name: Name of the variable value: Value of the variable """ # if isinstance(value, ObjectInTime): # self._tl_interpreter.assign_var(name, value) # elif isinstance(value, SpatialInterface): # self._tl_interpreter.assign_var(name, StaticObject(value)) # else: self._spatial_interpreter.assign_var(name, value) def parse_and_interpret(self, formula: str): """ Parses and interprets a given formula Args: formula: Formula as string Returns: """ self.reset_spatial_dict() return self.interpret(self.parse(formula)) def save_to_file(self, file: str): """ Saves the state of the interpreter to the files system Args: file: The filename """ try: pickle.dump(self._spatial_interpreter, open(file, 'wb')) except Exception as e: print(e) def from_file(self, file: str): """ Restores an interpreter from the file system Args: file: The filename """ try: self._spatial_interpreter = pickle.load(open(file, 'rb')) except Exception as e: print(e) @staticmethod def write_formulas_to_file(file: str, formulas: list): """ Writes a list of formulas to the file system Args: file: The filename formulas: The list of formulas to store """ try: pickle.dump(formulas, open(file, 'wb')) except Exception as e: print(e) @staticmethod def load_formulas_from_file(file: str) -> list: """ Loads a list of formulas from the file system Args: file: The filename Returns: list of formulas as strings """ try: return pickle.load(open(file, 'rb')) except Exception as e: print(e)
Static methods
def determine_variables(formula: lark.tree.Tree)
Determines all variables within a formula (given as a tree)
- The formula to check
Returns: Set of all variable names
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@staticmethod def determine_variables(formula: Tree): """ Determines all variables within a formula (given as a tree) Args: formula: The formula to check Returns: Set of all variable names """ iter = formula.find_data('var') vars = set() for v in iter: vars.add(v.children[0].title()) return vars
def load_formulas_from_file(file: str) ‑> list
Loads a list of formulas from the file system
- The filename
Returns: list of formulas as strings
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@staticmethod def load_formulas_from_file(file: str) -> list: """ Loads a list of formulas from the file system Args: file: The filename Returns: list of formulas as strings """ try: return pickle.load(open(file, 'rb')) except Exception as e: print(e)
def min_time_of_formula(formula: lark.tree.Tree) ‑> int
If the formula contains relative time references (variable plus time reference), then the formula can only be evaluated when the minimum time has been reached in the interpreter. This function returns the minimum required time to evaluate the formula.
- The formula to check
Returns: The minimum time rquired to evaluate the formula
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@staticmethod def min_time_of_formula(formula: Tree) -> int: """ If the formula contains relative time references (variable plus time reference), then the formula can only be evaluated when the minimum time has been reached in the interpreter. This function returns the minimum required time to evaluate the formula. Args: formula: The formula to check Returns: The minimum time rquired to evaluate the formula """ iter = formula.find_data('var_at') # tag used for variables with time reference vars = [0] for v in iter: time = float(v.children[1].children[0].title()) assert time >= 0 vars.append(time) return np.max(vars)
def png_from_tree(formula: lark.tree.Tree, filename, rankdir='LR', **kwargs)
Saves tree object to a png graphics file
- The tree of the formula
- The filename
- params for pydot
- params for pydot
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@staticmethod def png_from_tree(formula: Tree, filename, rankdir="LR", **kwargs): """ Saves tree object to a png graphics file Args: formula: The tree of the formula filename: The filename rankdir: params for pydot **kwargs: params for pydot """ graph = pydot__tree_to_graph(formula, rankdir, **kwargs) graph.write_png(filename)
def svg_from_tree(formula: lark.tree.Tree, filename, rankdir='LR', **kwargs)
Saves tree object to a svg vector graphics file
- The tree of the formula
- The filename
- params for pydot
- params for pydot
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@staticmethod def svg_from_tree(formula: Tree, filename, rankdir="LR", **kwargs): """ Saves tree object to a svg vector graphics file Args: formula: The tree of the formula filename: The filename rankdir: params for pydot **kwargs: params for pydot """ graph = pydot__tree_to_graph(formula, rankdir, **kwargs) graph.write_svg(filename)
def write_formulas_to_file(file: str, formulas: list)
Writes a list of formulas to the file system
- The filename
- The list of formulas to store
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@staticmethod def write_formulas_to_file(file: str, formulas: list): """ Writes a list of formulas to the file system Args: file: The filename formulas: The list of formulas to store """ try: pickle.dump(formulas, open(file, 'wb')) except Exception as e: print(e)
Instance variables
var quantitative : bool
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@property def quantitative(self) -> bool: return self._quantitative
def assign_variable(self, name, value)
Assigns a variable to the interpreter
- Name of the variable
- Value of the variable
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def assign_variable(self, name, value): """ Assigns a variable to the interpreter Args: name: Name of the variable value: Value of the variable """ # if isinstance(value, ObjectInTime): # self._tl_interpreter.assign_var(name, value) # elif isinstance(value, SpatialInterface): # self._tl_interpreter.assign_var(name, StaticObject(value)) # else: self._spatial_interpreter.assign_var(name, value)
def check_variables(self, formula: lark.tree.Tree) ‑> bool
Checks if the interpreter stores all variables required to interpret a given formula
- The formula to check as a tree
Returns: True if interpreter stores all necessary variables and False otherwise
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def check_variables(self, formula: Tree) -> bool: """ Checks if the interpreter stores all variables required to interpret a given formula Args: formula: The formula to check as a tree Returns: True if interpreter stores all necessary variables and False otherwise """ vars = self.determine_variables(formula) for v in vars: if v.lower() not in self._tl_interpreter.vars.keys(): return False return True
def from_file(self, file: str)
Restores an interpreter from the file system
- The filename
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def from_file(self, file: str): """ Restores an interpreter from the file system Args: file: The filename """ try: self._spatial_interpreter = pickle.load(open(file, 'rb')) except Exception as e: print(e)
def interpret(self, formula: lark.tree.Tree, lower=0, upper=0)
Interprets a given tree
- The tree of the formula
- lower time bound for semantics
- upper time bound for semantics
Returns: Value of interpreted formula
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def interpret(self, formula: Tree, lower=0, upper=0): """ Interprets a given tree Args: formula: The tree of the formula lower: lower time bound for semantics upper: upper time bound for semantics Returns: Value of interpreted formula """ # check if relative time has been used rel_time = self.min_time_of_formula(formula) # return NAN if start time does not allow to evaluate formula if rel_time > lower: warnings.warn(f"<Interpreter/interpret>: Cannot evalute formula from time step {lower} " f"since the formalue is valid from {rel_time}!") return np.NAN try: val = self._tl_interpreter.visit(formula, lower, upper) if self.quantitative: return val else: return val >= 0 except Exception as e: print(e) return None
def parse(self, formula: str) ‑> lark.tree.Tree
Parses a given formula to a tree object
- Formula to parse
Returns: Tree object of parsed formula
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def parse(self, formula: str) -> Tree: """ Parses a given formula to a tree object Args: formula: Formula to parse Returns: Tree object of parsed formula """ try: self.reset_spatial_dict() # every time you parse a new formula, reset the spatial dict return self._parser.parse(formula) except Exception as e: print(e) return None
def parse_and_interpret(self, formula: str)
Parses and interprets a given formula
- Formula as string
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def parse_and_interpret(self, formula: str): """ Parses and interprets a given formula Args: formula: Formula as string Returns: """ self.reset_spatial_dict() return self.interpret(self.parse(formula))
def reset_spatial_dict(self)
Resets the spatial interpreter call history
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def reset_spatial_dict(self): """ Resets the spatial interpreter call history """ self._tl_interpreter._spatial_dict = {}
def save_to_file(self, file: str)
Saves the state of the interpreter to the files system
- The filename
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def save_to_file(self, file: str): """ Saves the state of the interpreter to the files system Args: file: The filename """ try: pickle.dump(self._spatial_interpreter, open(file, 'wb')) except Exception as e: print(e)
def update_variables(self, vars: dict)
Update the set of variables in the interpreter
- The new set of variables
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def update_variables(self, vars: dict): """ Update the set of variables in the interpreter Args: vars: The new set of variables """ self._tl_interpreter.vars = vars
class SpatialInterpreter (spatial, quantitative: bool = False)
Interpreter object for the temporal parts of Spatial. Delegates parsed tree to corresponding operations.
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class SpatialInterpreter(Interpreter): """ Interpreter object for the temporal parts of Spatial. Delegates parsed tree to corresponding operations. """ def __init__(self, spatial, quantitative: bool = False): self._quantitative = quantitative self._spatial_interpreter = spatial self._spatial_dict = {} self.vars = {} @property def quantitative(self) -> bool: """ Bool whether this interpreter returns boolean or quantitative values Returns: True if quantitative """ return self._quantitative @quantitative.setter def quantitative(self, quantitative: bool): """ Bool whether this interpreter returns boolean or quantitative values Args: quantitative: Set a new bool """ self._quantitative = quantitative @property def vars(self) -> dict: """ Dictionary of stored (name, variable) pairs Returns: dictionary """ return self._vars @vars.setter def vars(self, vars: dict): """ Sets the dictionary of stored (name, variable) pairs Args: vars: Dictionary """ if len(vars) > 1: elements = list(vars.values()) assert all([isinstance(k, ObjectInTime) for k in elements]), '<SpatialInterpreter>: only ObjectInTime currently supported!' self._vars = vars def assign_var(self, name: str, value: ObjectInTime): """ Assigns a new variable to the interpreter Args: name: Name of the variable value: Value of the variables (ObjectInTime interface object or int/float) """ if isinstance(value, (int, float)): self._spatial_interpreter.assign_var(name, value) else: assert isinstance(value, ObjectInTime), '<SpatialInterpreter>: value must be of type ' \ 'ObjectInTime or int/float! Got {}'.format( value) assert isinstance(name, str), '<SpatialInterpreter>: name must be of type string! Got {}'.format(name) self.vars[name.lower()] = value return value def var(self, name: str) -> ObjectInTime: """ Returns the variable corresponding to the provided name Args: name: Name of the variable Returns: spatial interface object of name """ try: return self.vars[name.lower()] except KeyError: raise Exception("Variable not found: %s" % name) # translates the relative bounds of bounded temporal operators into the absolute time @staticmethod def relative_to_absolute_bounds(rel_lower, rel_upper, lower, upper): assert rel_lower >= 0 and rel_upper >= 0, \ '<SpatialInterpreter>: negative bounds in bounded temporal operators not allowed!' assert rel_lower <= rel_upper, \ '<SpatialInterpreter>: relative lower bound is higher than relative upper bound' abs_lower = lower + rel_lower abs_upper = min(upper, lower + rel_upper) return abs_lower, abs_upper # hacky override of original function. provides necessary extra parameters for custom function wrapper def visit(self, tree, lower, upper): f = getattr(self, wrapper = getattr(f, 'visit_wrapper', None) if wrapper is not None: return f.visit_wrapper(f,, tree.children, tree.meta, lower, upper) else: return f(tree) def temporal(self, tree, lower, upper): # temporal has only one child return self.visit(tree.children[0], lower, upper) def and_(self, tree, lower, upper): # and_ has two children left = self.visit(tree.children[0], lower, upper) right = self.visit(tree.children[1], lower, upper) return np.nanmin([left, right]) def or_(self, tree, lower, upper): # or_ has two children left = self.visit(tree.children[0], lower, upper) right = self.visit(tree.children[1], lower, upper) return np.nanmax([left, right]) def xor_(self, tree, lower, upper): # xor_ has two children left = self.visit(tree.children[0], lower, upper) right = self.visit(tree.children[1], lower, upper) # a XOR b = (a & !b) | (!a & b) a_notb = np.nanmin([left, -right]) nota_b = np.nanmin([-left, right]) return np.nanmax([a_notb, nota_b]) def implies_(self, tree, lower, upper): # implies_ has two children left = self.visit(tree.children[0], lower, upper) right = self.visit(tree.children[1], lower, upper) return np.nanmax([-left, right]) # works because a -> b == !a v b def not_(self, tree, lower, upper): # not_ has a single child return -self.visit(tree.children[0], lower, upper) def eventually(self, tree, lower, upper): results = [] for i in range(lower, upper + 1): results.append(self.visit(tree.children[0], i, upper)) # speedup in case the interpreter is run in boolean mode if not self.quantitative and results[-1] >= 0: return 1. return np.nanmax(results) def eventually_bounded(self, tree, lower, upper): bound = tree.children[0] rel_bound_l = int(bound.children[0].children[0]) rel_bound_u = int(bound.children[1].children[0]) abs_bound_l, abs_bound_u = self.relative_to_absolute_bounds(rel_bound_l, rel_bound_u, lower, upper) # this happens when the relative lower bound references a point in time later than upper if abs_bound_l > abs_bound_u: return np.nan # create a 'fake' eventually tree and interpret it over new bounds eventually_tree = Tree('eventually', [tree.children[1]]) return self.eventually(eventually_tree, abs_bound_l, abs_bound_u) def always(self, tree, lower, upper): # always has only one child results = [] for i in range(lower, upper + 1): results.append(self.visit(tree.children[0], i, upper)) # speedup in case the interpreter is run in boolean mode if not self.quantitative and results[-1] < 0: return -1. return np.nanmin(results) def always_bounded(self, tree, lower, upper): bound = tree.children[0] rel_bound_l = int(bound.children[0].children[0]) rel_bound_u = int(bound.children[1].children[0]) abs_bound_l, abs_bound_u = self.relative_to_absolute_bounds(rel_bound_l, rel_bound_u, lower, upper) # this happens when the relative lower bound references a point in time later than upper if abs_bound_l > abs_bound_u: return np.nan # create a 'fake' always tree and interpret it over new bounds always_tree = Tree('always', [tree.children[1]]) return self.always(always_tree, abs_bound_l, abs_bound_u) def next(self, tree, lower, upper): if lower + 1 > upper: return np.nan # next always has only one child return self.visit(tree.children[0], lower + 1, upper) until_storage = dict() def until(self, tree, lower, upper): # final result result = -np.inf # store results of current tree evaluation in lookup table element = hash((tree.children[0], tree.children[1])) if element not in self.until_storage: self.until_storage[element] = {} # get dictionary of previous calls # stores calls of self.visit(tree.children[0], j, k). key is (i, k), value is result v2_dict = self.until_storage[element] for k in range(lower, upper + 1): v1 = self.visit(tree.children[1], k, upper) # this whole section is simply # v2 = min(self.visit(tree.children[0], j, k) for j in range(lower, k+1)) v2 = np.inf for j in range(lower, k + 1): interval = (j, k) if interval not in v2_dict: val = self.visit(tree.children[0], j, k) v2_dict[interval] = val if val < v2: v2 = val else: val = v2_dict[interval] if val < v2: v2 = val val = np.nanmin([v1, v2]) if val > result: result = val return result def until_bounded(self, tree, lower, upper): bound = tree.children[1] rel_bound_l = int(bound.children[0].children[0]) rel_bound_u = int(bound.children[1].children[0]) abs_bound_l, abs_bound_u = self.relative_to_absolute_bounds(rel_bound_l, rel_bound_u, lower, upper) # this happens when the relative lower bound references a point in time later than upper if abs_bound_l > abs_bound_u: return np.nan # create a 'fake' until tree and interpret it over new bounds until_tree = Tree('until', [tree.children[0], tree.children[2]]) return self.always(until_tree, abs_bound_l, abs_bound_u) def spatial(self, tree, lower, upper): # check if this spatial formula has already been evaluated for this time point element = hash((tree, lower)) # compute hash once if element not in self._spatial_dict: # set global time for evaluation of formula self._spatial_interpreter.set_global_time(lower) val = self._spatial_interpreter.transform(tree) self._spatial_dict[element] = val return self._spatial_dict[element]
- lark.visitors.Interpreter
- lark.visitors._Decoratable
Class variables
var until_storage
Instance variables
var quantitative : bool
Bool whether this interpreter returns boolean or quantitative values
Returns: True if quantitative
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@property def quantitative(self) -> bool: """ Bool whether this interpreter returns boolean or quantitative values Returns: True if quantitative """ return self._quantitative
var vars : dict
Dictionary of stored (name, variable) pairs Returns: dictionary
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@property def vars(self) -> dict: """ Dictionary of stored (name, variable) pairs Returns: dictionary """ return self._vars
def always(self, tree, lower, upper)
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def always(self, tree, lower, upper): # always has only one child results = [] for i in range(lower, upper + 1): results.append(self.visit(tree.children[0], i, upper)) # speedup in case the interpreter is run in boolean mode if not self.quantitative and results[-1] < 0: return -1. return np.nanmin(results)
def always_bounded(self, tree, lower, upper)
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def always_bounded(self, tree, lower, upper): bound = tree.children[0] rel_bound_l = int(bound.children[0].children[0]) rel_bound_u = int(bound.children[1].children[0]) abs_bound_l, abs_bound_u = self.relative_to_absolute_bounds(rel_bound_l, rel_bound_u, lower, upper) # this happens when the relative lower bound references a point in time later than upper if abs_bound_l > abs_bound_u: return np.nan # create a 'fake' always tree and interpret it over new bounds always_tree = Tree('always', [tree.children[1]]) return self.always(always_tree, abs_bound_l, abs_bound_u)
def and_(self, tree, lower, upper)
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def and_(self, tree, lower, upper): # and_ has two children left = self.visit(tree.children[0], lower, upper) right = self.visit(tree.children[1], lower, upper) return np.nanmin([left, right])
def assign_var(self, name: str, value: ObjectInTime)
Assigns a new variable to the interpreter
- Name of the variable
- Value of the variables (ObjectInTime interface object or int/float)
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def assign_var(self, name: str, value: ObjectInTime): """ Assigns a new variable to the interpreter Args: name: Name of the variable value: Value of the variables (ObjectInTime interface object or int/float) """ if isinstance(value, (int, float)): self._spatial_interpreter.assign_var(name, value) else: assert isinstance(value, ObjectInTime), '<SpatialInterpreter>: value must be of type ' \ 'ObjectInTime or int/float! Got {}'.format( value) assert isinstance(name, str), '<SpatialInterpreter>: name must be of type string! Got {}'.format(name) self.vars[name.lower()] = value return value
def eventually(self, tree, lower, upper)
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def eventually(self, tree, lower, upper): results = [] for i in range(lower, upper + 1): results.append(self.visit(tree.children[0], i, upper)) # speedup in case the interpreter is run in boolean mode if not self.quantitative and results[-1] >= 0: return 1. return np.nanmax(results)
def eventually_bounded(self, tree, lower, upper)
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def eventually_bounded(self, tree, lower, upper): bound = tree.children[0] rel_bound_l = int(bound.children[0].children[0]) rel_bound_u = int(bound.children[1].children[0]) abs_bound_l, abs_bound_u = self.relative_to_absolute_bounds(rel_bound_l, rel_bound_u, lower, upper) # this happens when the relative lower bound references a point in time later than upper if abs_bound_l > abs_bound_u: return np.nan # create a 'fake' eventually tree and interpret it over new bounds eventually_tree = Tree('eventually', [tree.children[1]]) return self.eventually(eventually_tree, abs_bound_l, abs_bound_u)
def implies_(self, tree, lower, upper)
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def implies_(self, tree, lower, upper): # implies_ has two children left = self.visit(tree.children[0], lower, upper) right = self.visit(tree.children[1], lower, upper) return np.nanmax([-left, right]) # works because a -> b == !a v b
def next(self, tree, lower, upper)
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def next(self, tree, lower, upper): if lower + 1 > upper: return np.nan # next always has only one child return self.visit(tree.children[0], lower + 1, upper)
def not_(self, tree, lower, upper)
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def not_(self, tree, lower, upper): # not_ has a single child return -self.visit(tree.children[0], lower, upper)
def or_(self, tree, lower, upper)
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def or_(self, tree, lower, upper): # or_ has two children left = self.visit(tree.children[0], lower, upper) right = self.visit(tree.children[1], lower, upper) return np.nanmax([left, right])
def relative_to_absolute_bounds(rel_lower, rel_upper, lower, upper)
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@staticmethod def relative_to_absolute_bounds(rel_lower, rel_upper, lower, upper): assert rel_lower >= 0 and rel_upper >= 0, \ '<SpatialInterpreter>: negative bounds in bounded temporal operators not allowed!' assert rel_lower <= rel_upper, \ '<SpatialInterpreter>: relative lower bound is higher than relative upper bound' abs_lower = lower + rel_lower abs_upper = min(upper, lower + rel_upper) return abs_lower, abs_upper
def spatial(self, tree, lower, upper)
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def spatial(self, tree, lower, upper): # check if this spatial formula has already been evaluated for this time point element = hash((tree, lower)) # compute hash once if element not in self._spatial_dict: # set global time for evaluation of formula self._spatial_interpreter.set_global_time(lower) val = self._spatial_interpreter.transform(tree) self._spatial_dict[element] = val return self._spatial_dict[element]
def temporal(self, tree, lower, upper)
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def temporal(self, tree, lower, upper): # temporal has only one child return self.visit(tree.children[0], lower, upper)
def until(self, tree, lower, upper)
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def until(self, tree, lower, upper): # final result result = -np.inf # store results of current tree evaluation in lookup table element = hash((tree.children[0], tree.children[1])) if element not in self.until_storage: self.until_storage[element] = {} # get dictionary of previous calls # stores calls of self.visit(tree.children[0], j, k). key is (i, k), value is result v2_dict = self.until_storage[element] for k in range(lower, upper + 1): v1 = self.visit(tree.children[1], k, upper) # this whole section is simply # v2 = min(self.visit(tree.children[0], j, k) for j in range(lower, k+1)) v2 = np.inf for j in range(lower, k + 1): interval = (j, k) if interval not in v2_dict: val = self.visit(tree.children[0], j, k) v2_dict[interval] = val if val < v2: v2 = val else: val = v2_dict[interval] if val < v2: v2 = val val = np.nanmin([v1, v2]) if val > result: result = val return result
def until_bounded(self, tree, lower, upper)
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def until_bounded(self, tree, lower, upper): bound = tree.children[1] rel_bound_l = int(bound.children[0].children[0]) rel_bound_u = int(bound.children[1].children[0]) abs_bound_l, abs_bound_u = self.relative_to_absolute_bounds(rel_bound_l, rel_bound_u, lower, upper) # this happens when the relative lower bound references a point in time later than upper if abs_bound_l > abs_bound_u: return np.nan # create a 'fake' until tree and interpret it over new bounds until_tree = Tree('until', [tree.children[0], tree.children[2]]) return self.always(until_tree, abs_bound_l, abs_bound_u)
def var(self, name: str) ‑> ObjectInTime
Returns the variable corresponding to the provided name
- Name of the variable
Returns: spatial interface object of name
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def var(self, name: str) -> ObjectInTime: """ Returns the variable corresponding to the provided name Args: name: Name of the variable Returns: spatial interface object of name """ try: return self.vars[name.lower()] except KeyError: raise Exception("Variable not found: %s" % name)
def visit(self, tree, lower, upper)
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def visit(self, tree, lower, upper): f = getattr(self, wrapper = getattr(f, 'visit_wrapper', None) if wrapper is not None: return f.visit_wrapper(f,, tree.children, tree.meta, lower, upper) else: return f(tree)
def xor_(self, tree, lower, upper)
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def xor_(self, tree, lower, upper): # xor_ has two children left = self.visit(tree.children[0], lower, upper) right = self.visit(tree.children[1], lower, upper) # a XOR b = (a & !b) | (!a & b) a_notb = np.nanmin([left, -right]) nota_b = np.nanmin([-left, right]) return np.nanmax([a_notb, nota_b])