Module spatial.geometry
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from abc import *
from collections import OrderedDict
from enum import Enum
from typing import Set
import matplotlib.patches as mp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import shapely.affinity as af
import shapely.geometry as sh
_DEBUG = False
class IColor(Enum):
N = 0
R = 1
G = 2
B = 3
class SpatialInterface(ABC):
Interface for spatial relation logic. All objects need to provide a quantitative semantic.
def shapes(self) -> set:
Returns the shapes stored in the SpatialInterface object
Returns: The shapes of the SpatialInterface object
def distance(self, other: 'SpatialInterface') -> float:
Returns the signed distance to another spatial interface object
other: The other spatial interface object
Returns: Distance (squared) to other object
def overlap(self, other: 'SpatialInterface') -> float:
Computes if this object overlaps with another object
other: The other object
Returns: >=0 if both objects overlap and <0 otherwise
def enclosed_in(self, other: 'SpatialInterface') -> float:
Computes if this objects is enclosed in another object. If any this object is a collection, every object
must be enclosed in an object of other
other: The other object
Returns: >=0 if this object is enclosed in the other object and <0 otherwise
def proximity(self, other: 'SpatialInterface', eps: float) -> bool:
Computes if this objects is in proximity to another object
other: The other object
eps: Specification of proximity
Returns: >=0 if objects are in proximity and <0 otherwise
def distance_compare(self, other: 'SpatialInterface', eps: float, fun) -> bool:
Compares the distance between two objects and a target value (e.g., a dist b <= eps)
other: The other object
eps: The target value
fun: The function for comparing (<=,>=,==)
Returns: >=0 if predicate is true and <0 otherwise
def touching(self, other: 'SpatialInterface') -> bool:
Computes if two objects are touching
other: The other object
def angle(self, other: 'SpatialInterface') -> bool:
Computes the angle between to objects
other: The other object
def above(self, other: 'SpatialInterface') -> bool:
Computes if this object is above another object
other: The other object
Returns: >= 0 if this object is above the other object and <0 otherwise
def below(self, other: 'SpatialInterface') -> bool:
Computes if this object is below another object
other: The other object
Returns: >= 0 if this object is below the other object and <0 otherwise
def left_of(self, other: 'SpatialInterface') -> bool:
Computes if this object is left of another object
other: The other object
Returns: >= 0 if this object is left of the other object and <0 otherwise
def right_of(self, other: 'SpatialInterface') -> bool:
Computes if this object is right of another object
other: The other object
Returns: >= 0 if this object is right of the other object and <0 otherwise
def close_to(self, other: 'SpatialInterface') -> bool:
Computes if this object is close to another object
other: The other object
Returns: >= 0 if this object is close to the other object and <0 otherwise
def far_from(self, other: 'SpatialInterface') -> bool:
Computes if this object is far from another object
other: The other object
Returns: >= 0 if this object is far from the other object and <0 otherwise
def closer_to_than(self, closer: 'SpatialInterface', than: 'SpatialInterface') -> bool:
Computes if this object is closer to one object than another
closer: The object that should be closer
than: The object that should be further away
Returns: >= 0 if this object is closer to one object than another and <0 otherwise
def enlarge(self, radius: float) -> 'SpatialInterface':
Enlarges an object with a given radius
radius: The radius for enlarging the object
Returns: The enlarged object
def __or__(self, other: 'SpatialInterface'):
def __sub__(self, other: 'SpatialInterface'):
class ObjectInTime(ABC):
Interface for an object changing with time.
def getObject(self, time) -> 'SpatialInterface':
Returns the object at the given time point
def getObjectByIndex(self, idx: int) -> 'SpatialInterface':
Returns the object at the given time point (given as index)
idx: The index of the time step
class DynamicObject(ObjectInTime):
def __init__(self):
self._shapes = OrderedDict() # compatible with all Python versions, preserves insertion order
self._latest_time = None
def addObject(self, object: SpatialInterface, time: int):
if self._latest_time is None:
self._latest_time = time - 1
assert time not in self._shapes, '<DynamicObject/add>: time step already added! t={}'.format(time)
assert time == self._latest_time + 1, '<DynamicObject/add>: time step missing! t = {}'.format(time)
self._shapes[time] = object
self._latest_time = time
def getObject(self, time) -> 'SpatialInterface':
assert time in self._shapes, '<DynamicObject/add>: time step not yet added! t={}'.format(time)
return self._shapes[time]
def getObjectByIndex(self, idx: int) -> 'SpatialInterface':
assert idx < len(self._shapes) if idx >= 0 else abs(idx) <= len(self._shapes)
return list(self._shapes.values())[idx]
def __or__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, (StaticObject, DynamicObject)):
return ObjectCollection(self, other)
elif isinstance(other, ObjectCollection):
return other + self
raise Exception('<DynamicObject/add>: Provided object not supported! other = {}'.format(other))
class StaticObject(ObjectInTime):
An SpatialInterface object static in time. The simplest implementation of ObjectInTime
def __init__(self, spatial_object: SpatialInterface):
self._spatial_obj = spatial_object
def getObject(self, time) -> 'SpatialInterface':
return self._spatial_obj
def getObjectByIndex(self, idx: int) -> 'SpatialInterface':
return self._spatial_obj
def __or__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, (StaticObject, DynamicObject)):
return ObjectCollection(self, other)
elif isinstance(other, ObjectCollection):
return other + self
raise Exception('<DynamicObject/add>: Provided object not supported! other = {}'.format(other))
class ObjectCollection(ObjectInTime):
def __init__(self, *args):
self._object_set = set(args)
def getObject(self, time) -> 'SpatialInterface':
objs = [o.getObject(time) for o in self._object_set]
shapes = [o.shapes() for o in objs]
shapes = shapes[0].union(*shapes[1:])
assert len(objs) > 0
return type(objs[0])(shapes)
def getObjectByIndex(self, idx: int) -> 'SpatialInterface':
objs = [o.getObjectByIndex(idx) for o in self._object_set]
shapes = [o.shapes for o in objs]
shapes = shapes[0].union(*shapes[1:])
assert len(objs) > 0
return type(objs[0])(shapes)
def __len__(self):
return len(self._object_set)
def objects(self):
return self._object_set
def __or__(self, other):
collection = ObjectCollection()
if isinstance(other, ObjectCollection):
collection._object_set = self._object_set | other._object_set
elif isinstance(other, (StaticObject, DynamicObject)):
collection._object_set = self._object_set | {other}
raise Exception('<ObjectCollection/add>: Provided object not supported! other = {}'.format(other))
return collection
def __sub__(self, other):
collection = ObjectCollection()
if isinstance(other, ObjectCollection):
collection._object_set = self._object_set - other._object_set
elif isinstance(other, (StaticObject, DynamicObject)):
collection._object_set = self._object_set - {other}
raise Exception('<ObjectCollection/add>: Provided object not supported! other = {}'.format(other))
return collection
def __and__(self, other):
collection = ObjectCollection()
if isinstance(other, ObjectCollection):
collection._object_set = self._object_set & other._object_set
elif isinstance(other, (StaticObject, DynamicObject)):
collection._object_set = self._object_set & {other}
raise Exception('<ObjectCollection/add>: Provided object not supported! other = {}'.format(other))
return collection
class Polygon(object):
Class representing a polygon
_id = 0
_ORIGIN = sh.Point([0, 0]) # origin for penetration depth computation
# _MinkowskiDiff = lambda a, b: sh.Polygon(np.vstack(np.repeat([a],len(b),axis=0)-b)).convex_hull
_MinkowskiDiff = lambda a, b: sh.Polygon(np.vstack([a - v for v in b])).convex_hull
def _get_id(cls):
cls._id += 1
return cls._id
def __init__(self, vertices: np.ndarray, color: IColor = IColor.N, convex_hull: bool = True):
Initializes a polygon object
vertices: The vertices of the polygon
color: The color of the polygon. Default = IColor.N
convex_hull: bool to set if convex hull should be computed. Default = True
assert isinstance(vertices, np.ndarray), '<Polygon/init>: vertices must be of type np.ndarray!'
if convex_hull:
self.shape = sh.Polygon(vertices).convex_hull
self.shape = sh.Polygon(vertices)
self.color = color = self._get_id()
def shape(self) -> sh.Polygon:
Returns the shapely polygon object of this polygon
Returns: Shapely polygon
return self._shape
def shape(self, shape: sh.Polygon):
Sets the shapely polygon of this polygon
shape: The new shapely polygon
assert isinstance(shape, sh.Polygon), '<Polygon/shape>: Only shapely polygons are supported'
self._shape = shape
def vertices(self) -> np.ndarray:
Returns the vertices of the polygon
Returns: The vertices of the polygon as a numpy array
return np.array(self.shape.exterior.coords)
def center(self) -> np.ndarray:
Returns the geometric center of the polygon
Returns: Geometric center of the polygon as a numpy array
return np.array(self.shape.centroid)
def enlarge(self, radius: float) -> 'Polygon':
enlarged = self.shape.buffer(radius)
return Polygon(np.array(enlarged.exterior.coords))
def translate(self, t: np.ndarray):
Translates the polygon by the given translation vector
t: Translation vector as numpy array with shape (2x1)
Returns: Translated version of this polygon (no copy)
assert len(t) == 2
self.shape = af.translate(self.shape, t[0], t[1])
return self
def rotate(self, theta: float, from_origin: bool = True, use_radians=False):
Rotates the polygon around its center (of its bounding box)
theta: The angle of the rotation
from_origin: currently not used
use_radians: True if angle is given in radian
Returns: Rotated version of this polygon (no copy)
self.shape = af.rotate(self.shape, theta, origin='center', use_radians=use_radians)
return self
def distance(self, other: 'Polygon'):
Computes the distance to another polygon object
other: The other polygon object
Returns: The distance (>=0) between this and the other object
return self.shape.distance(other.shape)
def penetration_depth(self, other: 'Polygon'):
Computes the penetration depth with another polygon object
other: The other polygon object
Returns: The penetration depth (>=0) between this and the other object.
Zero if no intersection between the objects.
# return Polygon._MinkowskiDiff(np.asarray(self.shape.exterior.coords),
# np.asarray(other.shape.exterior.coords)).exterior.distance(self._ORIGIN)
return self._penetration_depth(np.asarray(self.shape.exterior.coords), np.asarray(other.shape.exterior.coords))
def _penetration_depth(self, vert1: np.ndarray, vert2: np.ndarray):
return Polygon._MinkowskiDiff(vert1, vert2).exterior.distance(self._ORIGIN)
def signed_distance(self, other: 'Polygon'):
Computes the signed distance of this polygon to another one
other: The other polygon
Returns: The signed distance between the two polygons (<= 0 if touching/intersection, >0 if no penetration)
gjk = self.distance(other)
return gjk - self.penetration_depth(other) if gjk <= 0.0000001 else gjk
def enclosedIn(self, other: 'Polygon'):
Computes if this polygon is enclosed in another polygon (i.e., all vertices are have negative signed distance)
other: The superset polygon
Returns: >=0 if this polygon is enclosed in the other polygon, <0 otherwise
sd = -np.inf
o = np.array(other.shape.exterior.coords)
for v in self.vertices:
gjk = other.shape.distance(sh.Point(v))
sd_c = gjk - self._penetration_depth(v, o) if gjk < 0.0000001 else gjk
if sd_c > sd:
sd = sd_c
return -sd if not np.isclose(sd, 0) else sd
def contains_point(self, point: np.ndarray):
Checks whether a given point is enclosed in the polygon
point: The point to check
Returns: True if the point is enclosed in the polygon and False otherwise
return self.shape.contains(sh.Point(point))
def color(self) -> IColor:
Color of polygon
Returns: Color of polygon
return self._color
def color(self, color: IColor):
Color of polygon
color: New color of circle
self._color = color
def plot(self, ax=None, alpha=1.0, label: bool = True, color='k'):
Plots the polygon
ax: The axis object to plot to (if provided)
alpha: The alpha value of the circle
label: bool to indicate whether to plot label
if ax is None:
ax = plt.gca()
mp.Polygon(self.vertices, color=color, alpha=alpha))
if label:
plt.text([0],[1], s=str(, c='white', bbox=dict(facecolor='white', alpha=0.5))
def minkowski_sum(self, other: 'Polygon', sub: bool = False) -> 'Polygon':
new_vertices = list()
for v in other.vertices:
if not sub:
new_vertices.append(self.vertices + (v -
new_vertices.append(self.vertices - (v -
return Polygon(np.vstack(new_vertices))
def __add__(self, other):
return self.minkowski_sum(other)
def __sub__(self, other):
return self.minkowski_sum(other, sub=True)
def __hash__(self):
class Circle(Polygon):
def __init__(self, center: np.ndarray, r: float):
# approximate circle
vertices = np.array(sh.Point(center).buffer(r).exterior)
super().__init__(vertices, convex_hull=False)
class PolygonCollection(SpatialInterface):
Implements spatial interface for objects of type polytope. Represents set of polytopes
def __init__(self, polygons: Set[Polygon]):
Initializes a circle collection with a set of circles
circles: Set of circles
self.polygons = polygons if isinstance(polygons, set) else set(polygons)
def polygons(self) -> Set[Polygon]:
Set of polygons
Returns: set of polytopes
return self._polygons
def polygons(self, polygons: Set[Polygon]):
Set of polygons
polygons: new set of polytopes
self._polygons = polygons
def add(self, p: Polygon):
Adds a polygons object to this collection
p: The polygons to add
def remove(self, p: Polygon):
Removes a polygons from this collection
p: The polygons to remove
def shapes(self) -> set:
return self.polygons
def of_color(self, color: IColor) -> 'PolygoneCollection':
Returns a polygons collection containing polytopes of the specified color
color: The specified color
Returns: polygons collection containing polytopes of specific color
return PolygonCollection(set([p for p in self.polygons if p.color == color]))
def plot(self, ax=None, color='k', label=True):
Draws all polygons in this collection
ax: The axis object to plot to
label: bool to indicate whether to plot labels
if ax is None:
ax = plt.gca()
for p in self.polygons:
p.plot(ax=ax, label=label, color=color)
def distance(self, other: 'SpatialInterface') -> float:
assert isinstance(other, PolygonCollection), \
'<Polygon/distance>: Other object must be of type polygon, got {}'.format(other)
# compute distances
result = list()
for p in self.polygons:
result.append([p.signed_distance(o) for o in other.polygons])
return result
def overlap(self, other: 'SpatialInterface') -> bool:
# intersection polygons
inter = list()
for p in self.polygons:
inter.append([-p.signed_distance(o) for o in other.polygons])
inter = np.array(inter)
return np.max(inter)
def enclosed_in(self, other: 'SpatialInterface') -> float:
enclosed = list()
for p in self.polygons:
enclosed.append(np.array([p.enclosedIn(o) for o in other.polygons]).max())
return np.array(enclosed).min()
def proximity(self, other: 'SpatialInterface', eps: float) -> bool:
return self.distance_compare(other, eps, np.less_equal)
def distance_compare(self, other: 'SpatialInterface', eps: float, fun):
assert np.positive(eps), '<Polygon>: Epsilon must be positive, got {}'.format(eps)
# compute result
if fun == np.less_equal:
return np.max(np.repeat(eps, len(other.polygons)) - self.distance(other))
if fun == np.greater_equal:
return np.max(self.distance(other) - np.repeat(eps, len(other.polygons)))
if fun == np.equal:
return np.min([np.max(np.repeat(eps, len(other.polygons)) - self.distance(other)),
np.max(self.distance(other) - np.repeat(eps, len(other.polygons)))])
def touching(self, other: 'SpatialInterface', eps: float = 5) -> bool:
return self.proximity(other, eps=eps)
return np.min([self.proximity(other, eps=eps), -self.proximity(other, eps=-eps)])
def _min(self, axis: int) -> float:
Returns the minimum value of the projection of all polygons to the specified axis
axis: The specified axis
Returns: The minimum value along the specified axis
return np.min([[axis] for c in self.polygons])
def _max(self, axis: int) -> float:
Returns the maximum value of the projection of all polygons to the specified axis
axis: The specified axis
Returns: The maximum value along the specified axis
return np.max([[axis] for c in self.polygons])
def left_of(self, other: 'SpatialInterface') -> float:
return other._min(0) - self._max(0)
def right_of(self, other: 'SpatialInterface') -> float:
return self._min(0) - other._max(0)
def above(self, other: 'SpatialInterface') -> float:
return self._min(1) - other._max(1)
def below(self, other: 'SpatialInterface') -> float:
return other._min(1) - self._max(1)
def close_to(self, other: 'SpatialInterface') -> float:
return self.proximity(other, 70.)
def far_from(self, other: 'SpatialInterface') -> float:
return -self.proximity(other, 150)
def closer_to_than(self, closer: 'SpatialInterface', than: 'SpatialInterface') -> float:
return np.min(self.distance(than)) - np.min(self.distance(closer))
def enlarge(self, radius: float) -> 'SpatialInterface':
return PolygonCollection(set([p.enlarge(radius) for p in self.polygons]))
def angle(self, other: 'CircleOLD') -> float:
def __or__(self, other: 'PolytopeCollection'):
return PolygonCollection(self.polygons | other.polygons)
def __sub__(self, other: 'PolytopeCollection'):
return PolygonCollection(self.polygons - other.polygons)
if __name__ == '__main__':
p1 = Polygon(np.array([[0, 0], [3, 3], [6, 0]]))
p2 = Polygon(np.array([[3, 5], [7, 8], [10, 6]]))
p2 = p2.rotate(30.45)
p3 = Polygon(np.array([[3, 5], [7, 8], [10, 6]]) - 4, IColor.B)
p_sum = p1.minkowski_sum(p2)
(p1 + p2).plot(color='r')
(p1 - p2).plot(color='g')
import time
a = sh.Polygon(p1.vertices)
b = sh.Polygon(p2.vertices)
print('Area is {}'.format(a.area))
print('Distance is {}'.format(a.distance(b)))
t0 = time.time()
for i in range(100):
print(f'Time took {time.time() - t0}')
pc = PolygonCollection(set([p1, p2]))
pd = PolygonCollection(set([p3]))
t0 = time.time()
print('Distance is {}'.format(pc.distance(pd)))
print('Distance is {}'.format(pc.distance(pc)))
print('Intersecting is {}'.format(pc.overlap(pd)))
print('Intersecting is {}'.format(pc.overlap(pc)))
print(f'Time took {time.time() - t0}')
t0 = time.time()
for i in range(1):
# p1.intersect(p2).volume
print(f'Time took for 10 {time.time() - t0}')
class Circle (center: numpy.ndarray, r: float)
Class representing a polygon
Initializes a polygon object
- The vertices of the polygon
- The color of the polygon. Default = IColor.N
- bool to set if convex hull should be computed. Default = True
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class Circle(Polygon): def __init__(self, center: np.ndarray, r: float): # approximate circle vertices = np.array(sh.Point(center).buffer(r).exterior) super().__init__(vertices, convex_hull=False)
Inherited members
class DynamicObject
Interface for an object changing with time.
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class DynamicObject(ObjectInTime): def __init__(self): self._shapes = OrderedDict() # compatible with all Python versions, preserves insertion order self._latest_time = None def addObject(self, object: SpatialInterface, time: int): if self._latest_time is None: self._latest_time = time - 1 assert time not in self._shapes, '<DynamicObject/add>: time step already added! t={}'.format(time) assert time == self._latest_time + 1, '<DynamicObject/add>: time step missing! t = {}'.format(time) self._shapes[time] = object self._latest_time = time def getObject(self, time) -> 'SpatialInterface': assert time in self._shapes, '<DynamicObject/add>: time step not yet added! t={}'.format(time) return self._shapes[time] def getObjectByIndex(self, idx: int) -> 'SpatialInterface': assert idx < len(self._shapes) if idx >= 0 else abs(idx) <= len(self._shapes) return list(self._shapes.values())[idx] def __or__(self, other): if isinstance(other, (StaticObject, DynamicObject)): return ObjectCollection(self, other) elif isinstance(other, ObjectCollection): return other + self else: raise Exception('<DynamicObject/add>: Provided object not supported! other = {}'.format(other))
- ObjectInTime
- abc.ABC
def addObject(self, object: SpatialInterface, time: int)
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def addObject(self, object: SpatialInterface, time: int): if self._latest_time is None: self._latest_time = time - 1 assert time not in self._shapes, '<DynamicObject/add>: time step already added! t={}'.format(time) assert time == self._latest_time + 1, '<DynamicObject/add>: time step missing! t = {}'.format(time) self._shapes[time] = object self._latest_time = time
Inherited members
class IColor (value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1)
An enumeration.
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class IColor(Enum): N = 0 R = 1 G = 2 B = 3
- enum.Enum
Class variables
var B
var G
var N
var R
class ObjectCollection (*args)
Interface for an object changing with time.
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class ObjectCollection(ObjectInTime): def __init__(self, *args): self._object_set = set(args) def getObject(self, time) -> 'SpatialInterface': objs = [o.getObject(time) for o in self._object_set] shapes = [o.shapes() for o in objs] shapes = shapes[0].union(*shapes[1:]) assert len(objs) > 0 return type(objs[0])(shapes) def getObjectByIndex(self, idx: int) -> 'SpatialInterface': objs = [o.getObjectByIndex(idx) for o in self._object_set] shapes = [o.shapes for o in objs] shapes = shapes[0].union(*shapes[1:]) assert len(objs) > 0 return type(objs[0])(shapes) def __len__(self): return len(self._object_set) @property def objects(self): return self._object_set def __or__(self, other): collection = ObjectCollection() if isinstance(other, ObjectCollection): collection._object_set = self._object_set | other._object_set elif isinstance(other, (StaticObject, DynamicObject)): collection._object_set = self._object_set | {other} else: raise Exception('<ObjectCollection/add>: Provided object not supported! other = {}'.format(other)) return collection def __sub__(self, other): collection = ObjectCollection() if isinstance(other, ObjectCollection): collection._object_set = self._object_set - other._object_set elif isinstance(other, (StaticObject, DynamicObject)): collection._object_set = self._object_set - {other} else: raise Exception('<ObjectCollection/add>: Provided object not supported! other = {}'.format(other)) return collection def __and__(self, other): collection = ObjectCollection() if isinstance(other, ObjectCollection): collection._object_set = self._object_set & other._object_set elif isinstance(other, (StaticObject, DynamicObject)): collection._object_set = self._object_set & {other} else: raise Exception('<ObjectCollection/add>: Provided object not supported! other = {}'.format(other)) return collection
- ObjectInTime
- abc.ABC
Instance variables
var objects
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@property def objects(self): return self._object_set
Inherited members
class ObjectInTime
Interface for an object changing with time.
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class ObjectInTime(ABC): """ Interface for an object changing with time. """ @abstractmethod def getObject(self, time) -> 'SpatialInterface': """ Returns the object at the given time point """ pass @abstractmethod def getObjectByIndex(self, idx: int) -> 'SpatialInterface': """ Returns the object at the given time point (given as index) Args: idx: The index of the time step Returns: """ pass
- abc.ABC
def getObject(self, time) ‑> SpatialInterface
Returns the object at the given time point
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@abstractmethod def getObject(self, time) -> 'SpatialInterface': """ Returns the object at the given time point """ pass
def getObjectByIndex(self, idx: int) ‑> SpatialInterface
Returns the object at the given time point (given as index)
- The index of the time step
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@abstractmethod def getObjectByIndex(self, idx: int) -> 'SpatialInterface': """ Returns the object at the given time point (given as index) Args: idx: The index of the time step Returns: """ pass
class Polygon (vertices: numpy.ndarray, color: IColor = IColor.N, convex_hull: bool = True)
Class representing a polygon
Initializes a polygon object
- The vertices of the polygon
- The color of the polygon. Default = IColor.N
- bool to set if convex hull should be computed. Default = True
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class Polygon(object): """ Class representing a polygon """ _id = 0 _ORIGIN = sh.Point([0, 0]) # origin for penetration depth computation # _MinkowskiDiff = lambda a, b: sh.Polygon(np.vstack(np.repeat([a],len(b),axis=0)-b)).convex_hull _MinkowskiDiff = lambda a, b: sh.Polygon(np.vstack([a - v for v in b])).convex_hull @classmethod def _get_id(cls): cls._id += 1 return cls._id def __init__(self, vertices: np.ndarray, color: IColor = IColor.N, convex_hull: bool = True): """ Initializes a polygon object Args: vertices: The vertices of the polygon color: The color of the polygon. Default = IColor.N convex_hull: bool to set if convex hull should be computed. Default = True """ assert isinstance(vertices, np.ndarray), '<Polygon/init>: vertices must be of type np.ndarray!' if convex_hull: self.shape = sh.Polygon(vertices).convex_hull else: self.shape = sh.Polygon(vertices) self.color = color = self._get_id() @property def shape(self) -> sh.Polygon: """ Returns the shapely polygon object of this polygon Returns: Shapely polygon """ return self._shape @shape.setter def shape(self, shape: sh.Polygon): """ Sets the shapely polygon of this polygon Args: shape: The new shapely polygon """ assert isinstance(shape, sh.Polygon), '<Polygon/shape>: Only shapely polygons are supported' self._shape = shape @property def vertices(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Returns the vertices of the polygon Returns: The vertices of the polygon as a numpy array """ return np.array(self.shape.exterior.coords) @property def center(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Returns the geometric center of the polygon Returns: Geometric center of the polygon as a numpy array """ return np.array(self.shape.centroid) def enlarge(self, radius: float) -> 'Polygon': enlarged = self.shape.buffer(radius) return Polygon(np.array(enlarged.exterior.coords)) def translate(self, t: np.ndarray): """ Translates the polygon by the given translation vector Args: t: Translation vector as numpy array with shape (2x1) Returns: Translated version of this polygon (no copy) """ assert len(t) == 2 self.shape = af.translate(self.shape, t[0], t[1]) return self def rotate(self, theta: float, from_origin: bool = True, use_radians=False): """ Rotates the polygon around its center (of its bounding box) Args: theta: The angle of the rotation from_origin: currently not used use_radians: True if angle is given in radian Returns: Rotated version of this polygon (no copy) """ self.shape = af.rotate(self.shape, theta, origin='center', use_radians=use_radians) return self def distance(self, other: 'Polygon'): """ Computes the distance to another polygon object Args: other: The other polygon object Returns: The distance (>=0) between this and the other object """ return self.shape.distance(other.shape) def penetration_depth(self, other: 'Polygon'): """ Computes the penetration depth with another polygon object Args: other: The other polygon object Returns: The penetration depth (>=0) between this and the other object. Zero if no intersection between the objects. """ # return Polygon._MinkowskiDiff(np.asarray(self.shape.exterior.coords), # np.asarray(other.shape.exterior.coords)).exterior.distance(self._ORIGIN) return self._penetration_depth(np.asarray(self.shape.exterior.coords), np.asarray(other.shape.exterior.coords)) def _penetration_depth(self, vert1: np.ndarray, vert2: np.ndarray): return Polygon._MinkowskiDiff(vert1, vert2).exterior.distance(self._ORIGIN) def signed_distance(self, other: 'Polygon'): """ Computes the signed distance of this polygon to another one Args: other: The other polygon Returns: The signed distance between the two polygons (<= 0 if touching/intersection, >0 if no penetration) """ gjk = self.distance(other) return gjk - self.penetration_depth(other) if gjk <= 0.0000001 else gjk def enclosedIn(self, other: 'Polygon'): """ Computes if this polygon is enclosed in another polygon (i.e., all vertices are have negative signed distance) Args: other: The superset polygon Returns: >=0 if this polygon is enclosed in the other polygon, <0 otherwise """ sd = -np.inf o = np.array(other.shape.exterior.coords) for v in self.vertices: gjk = other.shape.distance(sh.Point(v)) sd_c = gjk - self._penetration_depth(v, o) if gjk < 0.0000001 else gjk if sd_c > sd: sd = sd_c return -sd if not np.isclose(sd, 0) else sd def contains_point(self, point: np.ndarray): """ Checks whether a given point is enclosed in the polygon Args: point: The point to check Returns: True if the point is enclosed in the polygon and False otherwise """ return self.shape.contains(sh.Point(point)) @property def color(self) -> IColor: """ Color of polygon Returns: Color of polygon """ return self._color @color.setter def color(self, color: IColor): """ Color of polygon Args: color: New color of circle """ self._color = color def plot(self, ax=None, alpha=1.0, label: bool = True, color='k'): """ Plots the polygon Args: ax: The axis object to plot to (if provided) alpha: The alpha value of the circle label: bool to indicate whether to plot label """ if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() ax.add_patch( mp.Polygon(self.vertices, color=color, alpha=alpha)) if label: plt.text([0],[1], s=str(, c='white', bbox=dict(facecolor='white', alpha=0.5)) def minkowski_sum(self, other: 'Polygon', sub: bool = False) -> 'Polygon': new_vertices = list() for v in other.vertices: if not sub: new_vertices.append(self.vertices + (v - else: new_vertices.append(self.vertices - (v - return Polygon(np.vstack(new_vertices)) def __add__(self, other): return self.minkowski_sum(other) def __sub__(self, other): return self.minkowski_sum(other, sub=True) def __hash__(self): return
Instance variables
var center : numpy.ndarray
Returns the geometric center of the polygon Returns: Geometric center of the polygon as a numpy array
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@property def center(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Returns the geometric center of the polygon Returns: Geometric center of the polygon as a numpy array """ return np.array(self.shape.centroid)
var color : IColor
Color of polygon Returns: Color of polygon
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@property def color(self) -> IColor: """ Color of polygon Returns: Color of polygon """ return self._color
var shape : shapely.geometry.polygon.Polygon
Returns the shapely polygon object of this polygon Returns: Shapely polygon
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@property def shape(self) -> sh.Polygon: """ Returns the shapely polygon object of this polygon Returns: Shapely polygon """ return self._shape
var vertices : numpy.ndarray
Returns the vertices of the polygon Returns: The vertices of the polygon as a numpy array
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@property def vertices(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Returns the vertices of the polygon Returns: The vertices of the polygon as a numpy array """ return np.array(self.shape.exterior.coords)
def contains_point(self, point: numpy.ndarray)
Checks whether a given point is enclosed in the polygon
- The point to check
Returns: True if the point is enclosed in the polygon and False otherwise
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def contains_point(self, point: np.ndarray): """ Checks whether a given point is enclosed in the polygon Args: point: The point to check Returns: True if the point is enclosed in the polygon and False otherwise """ return self.shape.contains(sh.Point(point))
def distance(self, other: Polygon)
Computes the distance to another polygon object
- The other polygon object
Returns: The distance (>=0) between this and the other object
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def distance(self, other: 'Polygon'): """ Computes the distance to another polygon object Args: other: The other polygon object Returns: The distance (>=0) between this and the other object """ return self.shape.distance(other.shape)
def enclosedIn(self, other: Polygon)
Computes if this polygon is enclosed in another polygon (i.e., all vertices are have negative signed distance)
- The superset polygon
Returns: >=0 if this polygon is enclosed in the other polygon, <0 otherwise
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def enclosedIn(self, other: 'Polygon'): """ Computes if this polygon is enclosed in another polygon (i.e., all vertices are have negative signed distance) Args: other: The superset polygon Returns: >=0 if this polygon is enclosed in the other polygon, <0 otherwise """ sd = -np.inf o = np.array(other.shape.exterior.coords) for v in self.vertices: gjk = other.shape.distance(sh.Point(v)) sd_c = gjk - self._penetration_depth(v, o) if gjk < 0.0000001 else gjk if sd_c > sd: sd = sd_c return -sd if not np.isclose(sd, 0) else sd
def enlarge(self, radius: float) ‑> Polygon
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def enlarge(self, radius: float) -> 'Polygon': enlarged = self.shape.buffer(radius) return Polygon(np.array(enlarged.exterior.coords))
def minkowski_sum(self, other: Polygon, sub: bool = False) ‑> Polygon
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def minkowski_sum(self, other: 'Polygon', sub: bool = False) -> 'Polygon': new_vertices = list() for v in other.vertices: if not sub: new_vertices.append(self.vertices + (v - else: new_vertices.append(self.vertices - (v - return Polygon(np.vstack(new_vertices))
def penetration_depth(self, other: Polygon)
Computes the penetration depth with another polygon object
- The other polygon object
Returns: The penetration depth (>=0) between this and the other object. Zero if no intersection between the objects.
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def penetration_depth(self, other: 'Polygon'): """ Computes the penetration depth with another polygon object Args: other: The other polygon object Returns: The penetration depth (>=0) between this and the other object. Zero if no intersection between the objects. """ # return Polygon._MinkowskiDiff(np.asarray(self.shape.exterior.coords), # np.asarray(other.shape.exterior.coords)).exterior.distance(self._ORIGIN) return self._penetration_depth(np.asarray(self.shape.exterior.coords), np.asarray(other.shape.exterior.coords))
def plot(self, ax=None, alpha=1.0, label: bool = True, color='k')
Plots the polygon
- The axis object to plot to (if provided)
- The alpha value of the circle
- bool to indicate whether to plot label
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def plot(self, ax=None, alpha=1.0, label: bool = True, color='k'): """ Plots the polygon Args: ax: The axis object to plot to (if provided) alpha: The alpha value of the circle label: bool to indicate whether to plot label """ if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() ax.add_patch( mp.Polygon(self.vertices, color=color, alpha=alpha)) if label: plt.text([0],[1], s=str(, c='white', bbox=dict(facecolor='white', alpha=0.5))
def rotate(self, theta: float, from_origin: bool = True, use_radians=False)
Rotates the polygon around its center (of its bounding box)
- The angle of the rotation
- currently not used
- True if angle is given in radian
Returns: Rotated version of this polygon (no copy)
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def rotate(self, theta: float, from_origin: bool = True, use_radians=False): """ Rotates the polygon around its center (of its bounding box) Args: theta: The angle of the rotation from_origin: currently not used use_radians: True if angle is given in radian Returns: Rotated version of this polygon (no copy) """ self.shape = af.rotate(self.shape, theta, origin='center', use_radians=use_radians) return self
def signed_distance(self, other: Polygon)
Computes the signed distance of this polygon to another one
- The other polygon
Returns: The signed distance between the two polygons (<= 0 if touching/intersection, >0 if no penetration)
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def signed_distance(self, other: 'Polygon'): """ Computes the signed distance of this polygon to another one Args: other: The other polygon Returns: The signed distance between the two polygons (<= 0 if touching/intersection, >0 if no penetration) """ gjk = self.distance(other) return gjk - self.penetration_depth(other) if gjk <= 0.0000001 else gjk
def translate(self, t: numpy.ndarray)
Translates the polygon by the given translation vector
- Translation vector as numpy array with shape (2x1)
Returns: Translated version of this polygon (no copy)
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def translate(self, t: np.ndarray): """ Translates the polygon by the given translation vector Args: t: Translation vector as numpy array with shape (2x1) Returns: Translated version of this polygon (no copy) """ assert len(t) == 2 self.shape = af.translate(self.shape, t[0], t[1]) return self
class PolygonCollection (polygons: Set[Polygon])
Implements spatial interface for objects of type polytope. Represents set of polytopes
Initializes a circle collection with a set of circles
- Set of circles
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class PolygonCollection(SpatialInterface): """ Implements spatial interface for objects of type polytope. Represents set of polytopes """ def __init__(self, polygons: Set[Polygon]): """ Initializes a circle collection with a set of circles Args: circles: Set of circles """ self.polygons = polygons if isinstance(polygons, set) else set(polygons) @property def polygons(self) -> Set[Polygon]: """ Set of polygons Returns: set of polytopes """ return self._polygons @polygons.setter def polygons(self, polygons: Set[Polygon]): """ Set of polygons Args: polygons: new set of polytopes Returns: """ self._polygons = polygons def add(self, p: Polygon): """ Adds a polygons object to this collection Args: p: The polygons to add """ self.polygons.add(p) def remove(self, p: Polygon): """ Removes a polygons from this collection Args: p: The polygons to remove """ self.polygons.discard(p) def shapes(self) -> set: return self.polygons def of_color(self, color: IColor) -> 'PolygoneCollection': """ Returns a polygons collection containing polytopes of the specified color Args: color: The specified color Returns: polygons collection containing polytopes of specific color """ return PolygonCollection(set([p for p in self.polygons if p.color == color])) def plot(self, ax=None, color='k', label=True): """ Draws all polygons in this collection Args: ax: The axis object to plot to label: bool to indicate whether to plot labels Returns: """ if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() for p in self.polygons: p.plot(ax=ax, label=label, color=color) plt.autoscale() plt.axis('equal') def distance(self, other: 'SpatialInterface') -> float: assert isinstance(other, PolygonCollection), \ '<Polygon/distance>: Other object must be of type polygon, got {}'.format(other) # compute distances result = list() for p in self.polygons: result.append([p.signed_distance(o) for o in other.polygons]) return result def overlap(self, other: 'SpatialInterface') -> bool: # intersection polygons inter = list() for p in self.polygons: inter.append([-p.signed_distance(o) for o in other.polygons]) inter = np.array(inter) return np.max(inter) def enclosed_in(self, other: 'SpatialInterface') -> float: enclosed = list() for p in self.polygons: enclosed.append(np.array([p.enclosedIn(o) for o in other.polygons]).max()) return np.array(enclosed).min() def proximity(self, other: 'SpatialInterface', eps: float) -> bool: return self.distance_compare(other, eps, np.less_equal) def distance_compare(self, other: 'SpatialInterface', eps: float, fun): assert np.positive(eps), '<Polygon>: Epsilon must be positive, got {}'.format(eps) # compute result if fun == np.less_equal: return np.max(np.repeat(eps, len(other.polygons)) - self.distance(other)) if fun == np.greater_equal: return np.max(self.distance(other) - np.repeat(eps, len(other.polygons))) if fun == np.equal: return np.min([np.max(np.repeat(eps, len(other.polygons)) - self.distance(other)), np.max(self.distance(other) - np.repeat(eps, len(other.polygons)))]) def touching(self, other: 'SpatialInterface', eps: float = 5) -> bool: return self.proximity(other, eps=eps) return np.min([self.proximity(other, eps=eps), -self.proximity(other, eps=-eps)]) def _min(self, axis: int) -> float: """ Returns the minimum value of the projection of all polygons to the specified axis Args: axis: The specified axis Returns: The minimum value along the specified axis """ return np.min([[axis] for c in self.polygons]) def _max(self, axis: int) -> float: """ Returns the maximum value of the projection of all polygons to the specified axis Args: axis: The specified axis Returns: The maximum value along the specified axis """ return np.max([[axis] for c in self.polygons]) def left_of(self, other: 'SpatialInterface') -> float: return other._min(0) - self._max(0) def right_of(self, other: 'SpatialInterface') -> float: return self._min(0) - other._max(0) def above(self, other: 'SpatialInterface') -> float: return self._min(1) - other._max(1) def below(self, other: 'SpatialInterface') -> float: return other._min(1) - self._max(1) def close_to(self, other: 'SpatialInterface') -> float: return self.proximity(other, 70.) def far_from(self, other: 'SpatialInterface') -> float: return -self.proximity(other, 150) def closer_to_than(self, closer: 'SpatialInterface', than: 'SpatialInterface') -> float: return np.min(self.distance(than)) - np.min(self.distance(closer)) def enlarge(self, radius: float) -> 'SpatialInterface': return PolygonCollection(set([p.enlarge(radius) for p in self.polygons])) def angle(self, other: 'CircleOLD') -> float: pass def __or__(self, other: 'PolytopeCollection'): return PolygonCollection(self.polygons | other.polygons) def __sub__(self, other: 'PolytopeCollection'): return PolygonCollection(self.polygons - other.polygons)
- SpatialInterface
- abc.ABC
Instance variables
var polygons : Set[Polygon]
Set of polygons Returns: set of polytopes
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@property def polygons(self) -> Set[Polygon]: """ Set of polygons Returns: set of polytopes """ return self._polygons
def add(self, p: Polygon)
Adds a polygons object to this collection
- The polygons to add
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def add(self, p: Polygon): """ Adds a polygons object to this collection Args: p: The polygons to add """ self.polygons.add(p)
def of_color(self, color: IColor) ‑> PolygoneCollection
Returns a polygons collection containing polytopes of the specified color
- The specified color
Returns: polygons collection containing polytopes of specific color
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def of_color(self, color: IColor) -> 'PolygoneCollection': """ Returns a polygons collection containing polytopes of the specified color Args: color: The specified color Returns: polygons collection containing polytopes of specific color """ return PolygonCollection(set([p for p in self.polygons if p.color == color]))
def plot(self, ax=None, color='k', label=True)
Draws all polygons in this collection
- The axis object to plot to
- bool to indicate whether to plot labels
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def plot(self, ax=None, color='k', label=True): """ Draws all polygons in this collection Args: ax: The axis object to plot to label: bool to indicate whether to plot labels Returns: """ if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() for p in self.polygons: p.plot(ax=ax, label=label, color=color) plt.autoscale() plt.axis('equal')
def remove(self, p: Polygon)
Removes a polygons from this collection
- The polygons to remove
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def remove(self, p: Polygon): """ Removes a polygons from this collection Args: p: The polygons to remove """ self.polygons.discard(p)
Inherited members
class SpatialInterface
Interface for spatial relation logic. All objects need to provide a quantitative semantic.
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class SpatialInterface(ABC): """ Interface for spatial relation logic. All objects need to provide a quantitative semantic. """ @abstractmethod def shapes(self) -> set: """ Returns the shapes stored in the SpatialInterface object Returns: The shapes of the SpatialInterface object """ pass @abstractmethod def distance(self, other: 'SpatialInterface') -> float: """ Returns the signed distance to another spatial interface object Args: other: The other spatial interface object Returns: Distance (squared) to other object """ pass @abstractmethod def overlap(self, other: 'SpatialInterface') -> float: """ Computes if this object overlaps with another object Args: other: The other object Returns: >=0 if both objects overlap and <0 otherwise """ pass @abstractmethod def enclosed_in(self, other: 'SpatialInterface') -> float: """ Computes if this objects is enclosed in another object. If any this object is a collection, every object must be enclosed in an object of other Args: other: The other object Returns: >=0 if this object is enclosed in the other object and <0 otherwise """ pass @abstractmethod def proximity(self, other: 'SpatialInterface', eps: float) -> bool: """ Computes if this objects is in proximity to another object Args: other: The other object eps: Specification of proximity Returns: >=0 if objects are in proximity and <0 otherwise """ pass @abstractmethod def distance_compare(self, other: 'SpatialInterface', eps: float, fun) -> bool: """ Compares the distance between two objects and a target value (e.g., a dist b <= eps) Args: other: The other object eps: The target value fun: The function for comparing (<=,>=,==) Returns: >=0 if predicate is true and <0 otherwise """ pass @abstractmethod def touching(self, other: 'SpatialInterface') -> bool: """ Computes if two objects are touching Args: other: The other object Returns: """ pass @abstractmethod def angle(self, other: 'SpatialInterface') -> bool: """ Computes the angle between to objects Args: other: The other object Returns: NOT YET IMPLEMENTED / USED """ pass @abstractmethod def above(self, other: 'SpatialInterface') -> bool: """ Computes if this object is above another object Args: other: The other object Returns: >= 0 if this object is above the other object and <0 otherwise """ pass @abstractmethod def below(self, other: 'SpatialInterface') -> bool: """ Computes if this object is below another object Args: other: The other object Returns: >= 0 if this object is below the other object and <0 otherwise """ pass @abstractmethod def left_of(self, other: 'SpatialInterface') -> bool: """ Computes if this object is left of another object Args: other: The other object Returns: >= 0 if this object is left of the other object and <0 otherwise """ pass @abstractmethod def right_of(self, other: 'SpatialInterface') -> bool: """ Computes if this object is right of another object Args: other: The other object Returns: >= 0 if this object is right of the other object and <0 otherwise """ pass @abstractmethod def close_to(self, other: 'SpatialInterface') -> bool: """ Computes if this object is close to another object Args: other: The other object Returns: >= 0 if this object is close to the other object and <0 otherwise """ pass @abstractmethod def far_from(self, other: 'SpatialInterface') -> bool: """ Computes if this object is far from another object Args: other: The other object Returns: >= 0 if this object is far from the other object and <0 otherwise """ pass @abstractmethod def closer_to_than(self, closer: 'SpatialInterface', than: 'SpatialInterface') -> bool: """ Computes if this object is closer to one object than another Args: closer: The object that should be closer than: The object that should be further away Returns: >= 0 if this object is closer to one object than another and <0 otherwise """ pass @abstractmethod def enlarge(self, radius: float) -> 'SpatialInterface': """ Enlarges an object with a given radius Args: radius: The radius for enlarging the object Returns: The enlarged object """ pass @abstractmethod def __or__(self, other: 'SpatialInterface'): pass @abstractmethod def __sub__(self, other: 'SpatialInterface'): pass
- abc.ABC
def above(self, other: SpatialInterface) ‑> bool
Computes if this object is above another object
- The other object
Returns: >= 0 if this object is above the other object and <0 otherwise
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@abstractmethod def above(self, other: 'SpatialInterface') -> bool: """ Computes if this object is above another object Args: other: The other object Returns: >= 0 if this object is above the other object and <0 otherwise """ pass
def angle(self, other: SpatialInterface) ‑> bool
Computes the angle between to objects
- The other object
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@abstractmethod def angle(self, other: 'SpatialInterface') -> bool: """ Computes the angle between to objects Args: other: The other object Returns: NOT YET IMPLEMENTED / USED """ pass
def below(self, other: SpatialInterface) ‑> bool
Computes if this object is below another object
- The other object
Returns: >= 0 if this object is below the other object and <0 otherwise
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@abstractmethod def below(self, other: 'SpatialInterface') -> bool: """ Computes if this object is below another object Args: other: The other object Returns: >= 0 if this object is below the other object and <0 otherwise """ pass
def close_to(self, other: SpatialInterface) ‑> bool
Computes if this object is close to another object
- The other object
Returns: >= 0 if this object is close to the other object and <0 otherwise
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@abstractmethod def close_to(self, other: 'SpatialInterface') -> bool: """ Computes if this object is close to another object Args: other: The other object Returns: >= 0 if this object is close to the other object and <0 otherwise """ pass
def closer_to_than(self, closer: SpatialInterface, than: SpatialInterface) ‑> bool
Computes if this object is closer to one object than another
- The object that should be closer
- The object that should be further away
Returns: >= 0 if this object is closer to one object than another and <0 otherwise
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@abstractmethod def closer_to_than(self, closer: 'SpatialInterface', than: 'SpatialInterface') -> bool: """ Computes if this object is closer to one object than another Args: closer: The object that should be closer than: The object that should be further away Returns: >= 0 if this object is closer to one object than another and <0 otherwise """ pass
def distance(self, other: SpatialInterface) ‑> float
Returns the signed distance to another spatial interface object
- The other spatial interface object
Returns: Distance (squared) to other object
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@abstractmethod def distance(self, other: 'SpatialInterface') -> float: """ Returns the signed distance to another spatial interface object Args: other: The other spatial interface object Returns: Distance (squared) to other object """ pass
def distance_compare(self, other: SpatialInterface, eps: float, fun) ‑> bool
Compares the distance between two objects and a target value (e.g., a dist b <= eps)
- The other object
- The target value
- The function for comparing (<=,>=,==)
Returns: >=0 if predicate is true and <0 otherwise
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@abstractmethod def distance_compare(self, other: 'SpatialInterface', eps: float, fun) -> bool: """ Compares the distance between two objects and a target value (e.g., a dist b <= eps) Args: other: The other object eps: The target value fun: The function for comparing (<=,>=,==) Returns: >=0 if predicate is true and <0 otherwise """ pass
def enclosed_in(self, other: SpatialInterface) ‑> float
Computes if this objects is enclosed in another object. If any this object is a collection, every object must be enclosed in an object of other
- The other object
Returns: >=0 if this object is enclosed in the other object and <0 otherwise
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@abstractmethod def enclosed_in(self, other: 'SpatialInterface') -> float: """ Computes if this objects is enclosed in another object. If any this object is a collection, every object must be enclosed in an object of other Args: other: The other object Returns: >=0 if this object is enclosed in the other object and <0 otherwise """ pass
def enlarge(self, radius: float) ‑> SpatialInterface
Enlarges an object with a given radius
- The radius for enlarging the object
Returns: The enlarged object
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@abstractmethod def enlarge(self, radius: float) -> 'SpatialInterface': """ Enlarges an object with a given radius Args: radius: The radius for enlarging the object Returns: The enlarged object """ pass
def far_from(self, other: SpatialInterface) ‑> bool
Computes if this object is far from another object
- The other object
Returns: >= 0 if this object is far from the other object and <0 otherwise
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@abstractmethod def far_from(self, other: 'SpatialInterface') -> bool: """ Computes if this object is far from another object Args: other: The other object Returns: >= 0 if this object is far from the other object and <0 otherwise """ pass
def left_of(self, other: SpatialInterface) ‑> bool
Computes if this object is left of another object
- The other object
Returns: >= 0 if this object is left of the other object and <0 otherwise
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@abstractmethod def left_of(self, other: 'SpatialInterface') -> bool: """ Computes if this object is left of another object Args: other: The other object Returns: >= 0 if this object is left of the other object and <0 otherwise """ pass
def overlap(self, other: SpatialInterface) ‑> float
Computes if this object overlaps with another object
- The other object
Returns: >=0 if both objects overlap and <0 otherwise
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@abstractmethod def overlap(self, other: 'SpatialInterface') -> float: """ Computes if this object overlaps with another object Args: other: The other object Returns: >=0 if both objects overlap and <0 otherwise """ pass
def proximity(self, other: SpatialInterface, eps: float) ‑> bool
Computes if this objects is in proximity to another object
- The other object
- Specification of proximity
Returns: >=0 if objects are in proximity and <0 otherwise
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@abstractmethod def proximity(self, other: 'SpatialInterface', eps: float) -> bool: """ Computes if this objects is in proximity to another object Args: other: The other object eps: Specification of proximity Returns: >=0 if objects are in proximity and <0 otherwise """ pass
def right_of(self, other: SpatialInterface) ‑> bool
Computes if this object is right of another object
- The other object
Returns: >= 0 if this object is right of the other object and <0 otherwise
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@abstractmethod def right_of(self, other: 'SpatialInterface') -> bool: """ Computes if this object is right of another object Args: other: The other object Returns: >= 0 if this object is right of the other object and <0 otherwise """ pass
def shapes(self) ‑> set
Returns the shapes stored in the SpatialInterface object Returns: The shapes of the SpatialInterface object
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@abstractmethod def shapes(self) -> set: """ Returns the shapes stored in the SpatialInterface object Returns: The shapes of the SpatialInterface object """ pass
def touching(self, other: SpatialInterface) ‑> bool
Computes if two objects are touching
- The other object
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@abstractmethod def touching(self, other: 'SpatialInterface') -> bool: """ Computes if two objects are touching Args: other: The other object Returns: """ pass
class StaticObject (spatial_object: SpatialInterface)
An SpatialInterface object static in time. The simplest implementation of ObjectInTime
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class StaticObject(ObjectInTime): """ An SpatialInterface object static in time. The simplest implementation of ObjectInTime """ def __init__(self, spatial_object: SpatialInterface): super().__init__() self._spatial_obj = spatial_object def getObject(self, time) -> 'SpatialInterface': return self._spatial_obj def getObjectByIndex(self, idx: int) -> 'SpatialInterface': return self._spatial_obj def __or__(self, other): if isinstance(other, (StaticObject, DynamicObject)): return ObjectCollection(self, other) elif isinstance(other, ObjectCollection): return other + self else: raise Exception('<DynamicObject/add>: Provided object not supported! other = {}'.format(other))
- ObjectInTime
- abc.ABC
Inherited members